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Bella's POV
I was sitting in the living room with my husband Edward waiting for are daughters arrival. It's been eight years Since I seen her I miss her smile I miss her I miss everything about her.

I wake up every morning waiting to see her again and today was finally the day. I was so exited to see her again and spend time with her. Edward looked at me and said
"she's here."
I got of the couch and opens the door. When I opened it I saw Jacob then beside him was Renessmee. Renessmee looked at me and Edward and said
"hey mom hey dad"

and then She came inside and right when she came inside Renessme and Edward and me were all hugging and crying.

I finally had my baby girl back after all those years she was back and safe. For now on I promised myself I would never let anyone touch her or hurt her.

I hope you liked that chapter don't forget to comment and like thank you.

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