loving her

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Jake's POV
"It was all a dream shh."
I said trying to calm her down. She was crying, screaming like something was trying to hurt her. But there was no one there it was just me and her.

"Jake." She said
I wrapped my arms around her stroking her back calming her down
"I was terrified I thought th-they were going to hurt you." She cried
"It was just a dream." I said trying to confidence myself.
I had to be strong for her I loved her I would do anything for her I would save her life and give my life up if I had to.
She was mine and she will always be mine, and I will always be hers because she was too important to me to let go to important to forget she was the reason I was alive the reason I am walking the earth, if it weren't for her I would have never been born, never have found my mate, I love her more than anything.

I remember everything from when Bella told me it was Edward and I didn't understand but now I do it was because I had someone special waiting for me, and that one special girl was not only Bella's daughter, but my lost love.

"Jake" Ness started
"Yea" I smiled
"I love you.." She said
"You are the reason I'm here I should be thanking you." I smiled
She wrapped her arms around me
"I was scared promise me you will never leave me." She cried
I made her look up at me and I kissed her forehead

"I could never leave you, I love you too much, Ness the reason no relation ship ever worked with any other girl was because they weren't you they weren't Renesmee Carlie Cullen the half vampire and human child, you are and I feel in love with you, and not with anyone else just my perfect sole mate the girl that makes my heart melt which is you." I confessed

"I love you Jake I really do know one can ever replace you even if they tried they aren't Jacob black you are, and you are the ware wolf that I have always loved since birth you imprinted on me when I was an infant I love you more than anything that's why I was so scared cause what would happen if I lost you." She confessed

"You won't ever loose me, trust me ok."
I promised

Then I kissed her on the forged again and we laid down on the bed her facing me my arms around her and her snuggled close to my chest.

If the Vulturi wanted her they were going to half to fight me because I was not going to let them win. They aren't taking the love of my life, the only reason I am alive away from me not now not ever.

They can try all they want but they will never win because I promised Nessie I would not let anyone hurt her or kill me so if the Vulturi wants her they were going to half to go through me and trust me I will fight even If I die I will not let them touch her.

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