What Does this mean

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Alice's POV
I was sitting on the porch and I was thinking about everything that happened.

I was confused as why the Vulturi Came back I thought they wouldn't go after us because of the whole fight thing and the promise that We made.

We didn't brake the rule so why would the Vulturi  come back. We are finally happy and away from them that they discuss hey why don't we bug them. We didn't do anything wrong I was beyond pist everything was finally perfect.

"Alice?" Jasper said.
"Huh, yea?" I questioned getting out of my thoughts.
"You ok?" Jasper asked which such worry in his tone.
"Yea fine just thinking" I confessed
"Thinking about what?" He asked
"What's up you looked worried" I changed the subject.

"I'm not worried just trying to figure out why the Vulturi came back." Jasper summed up

"I guess everyone has the same question stuck in there head." I stated

"Do you have any Idea why though?" he asked 

"No actually I don't. I haven't had any...."

and right when I was about to finish my sentence I was in a vision I saw Renesmee she was chained up somewhere dark, and she had bruises on her arms and legs. Before I could see anything  else the vision ended.


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