The date

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Jacobs POV
I was all ready for me and Nessie's date.
So I drove my car over to Nessie's and rang the door bell.
Bella answered and then I saw Nessie coming to the door her dress was so beautiful and she herself looked stunning.

I looked at her and said
" you look beautiful."
Nessie replied while she was blushing
Thanks Jacob
" you don't look that bad yourself."
I just smiled and I held her hand and left the house.
I opened the door to my car and she went in then I went into the opposite side and went inside.
Then she said
"Thanks so much for bringing me."
Then I lolled like her and said with a smile
"No problem You deserve it Nessie."

Then the rest of the ride was silent.
Once we got there I parked to the parking lot and then I got out of the car and went on the other side and opened the door for Nessie, and then we harassed into the building.

The building was huge it looked like a restaurant that probably coast 500 fallers. On the roof there was a shining chandelier that was huge. The room was yellow that looked more like gold.
Then I grabbed Nessie's hand and we walked beer the Manager.
I stated in a calm quite tone "Table for 2 Jacob and Nessie."
Then the lady who looked like we was 20 had blond brown hair and a yellow shirt and white pants replied
" follow me."
Then me and Nessie followed the women to the table in the corner with flowers for Nessie. Then the lady said
" what do you want to  eat." Nessie replied
"Sales please and thank you."
Then she looked at me and said
" what would you like."
Then I replied
"Stake please and thank you."
Then she asked us what would we like to drink we both said at the same time "water."
Then she left and we started chatting to be all honest I wanted to dance with Nessie and I couldn't help but stare at her. I was so happy that she was here with me in a real date.

Once are food came we started to eat and drink. After we took a few bites of our food and took a couple sips of our drinks.
Before we started to talk again Nessie asked me about how I knew her mother. But of course I answered it and told her I was her moms friend.

I left out the part how I had a crush on her mother because I was over it and there was no point of telling her.

After dinner I payed and we left the restaurant and got in the car, and left I drove her home. When Nessie and I arrived at her house I waited for her to go inside then I left.

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