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Alice's POV
I was too late. I could have saved her, if I didn't waste my time talking to Jasper. It's my fault that I am causing everyone this pain. Jasper tries to convince me that it's not my fault.

But I know that it is. I'm the reason Renesmee is with the vulturi. I'm the reason why Jacob is unconscious. I'm the reason why this family is falling apart.

"Hey" I hear someone say

"Jasper I don't need I pep talk" I say with no emotion what so ever.

"I wasn't planning on giving you a pep talk and It's Edward by the way" I hear him say.

"Edward?" I turn around to look at I'm and I can tell he has been reading my thoughts.

"Yep it's me and yea I have read your thoughts" he says answering my dumb question.

"So what are you doing here." I say referring to the woods.
"Well I was going hunting until I saw you." He exclaims.

"Edward I'm sorry for causing you and Bella so much pain" I say actually feeling so bad.

"It's not your fault you did  nothing wrong. You tried to save her.." he starts.

"But that's the thing I tried to save her I didn't actually save her" I finish. 

"Alice you did nothing wrong it was actually me and Bella's fault for letting her and Jacob go to the forest" he says being totally honest.

"Edward you didn't know only I did I should have just told you guys when I had it." I explain

"If you told us this could of still happened or could have been worse but we can't change what has been done. But we can make sure that nothing more will happen by getting her out of.
There alive." He says with total confidence.

"How do we get her out of there" I ask.

"That's what we need to figure out" he says

"Maybe we should get going it's getting pretty late" I say looking at the sun set.

"Yea we should go home, I need to check on Bella and make sure she's ok" he says.

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