I Missed you

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Jacob's POV

I watched as Nessie left the room. I grabbed the broom and decided to clean the glass The glass was everywhere it was as sharp as a knife, and one of the glass pieces almost went into my foot luckily I noticed it and stepped over it.

After I cleaned the mess I decided to talk to Nessie. I went up the stares  and turned to the left and opend the door. All I see is Nessie with red cheeks looks like she has been crying.

I go up to her and said in a sweet tone "Hi."
She looks at me and replies
I looked a Nessie and she reminded me as her mother.
I look at her and give her a smile and said "What happend."

Nessie looked sad like she has lost something that meant the world to her. Nessie looked straight at me and said "I miss you I miss the way things used to be."

I looked at her with a smile I missed her too more then anything I missed hunting I missed movie night I missed it all but couldn't say it.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter I hope you like all the feelings please comment and like thanks Twilight fans.

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