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Nessie's POV
Once Jacob left. I was prepared to go inside and meet my doom. I walked up to the door my hand was shaking like crazy I managed to ring the doorbell.
After a second later I heard footsteps.

I felt like I couldn't move like Medusa turned me to stone.  My heart stopped when I heard the door open but was relieved when I saw my mom.

I mumbled in a low scared tone
"Hi Mom sorry I am late me and Jacob went for a hunt."
Now I was just hopping that she would believe me and not ask me anymore questions.

My mom gave me a stern look and sighed "ok but next time go on a hunt earlier now come on inside."
she believed me and I wasn't going to get in trouble.

Once I got inside I booked it to my room and Just sat in my bed not believing what happened and relieved that I wasn't gonna get Jacob or me in trouble.

The next morning I woke up to find a text from Jacob that made me want to comfort him, and tell him he was wrong.

Jacob: Nessie I am so sorry for getting you In trouble.

Nessie: Great news I am not in trouble.

Jacob: But how?

Nessie: I will tell you later

Jacob: ok I am coming to pick you up. At 12:30

Nessie: where are you taking me

Jacob: somewhere

Nessie: can I have a hint

Jacob: fine Where going swimming

Nessie: ok is that it your gonna tell me

Jacob: yes

After that I got up from my bed and got dressed. I came down stares and Auntie Alice noticed me and said
"where are you going."

I laughed and replied
"I don't know. Jacob won't tell me unless the part about swimming other then that nothing."

Alice mumbled
"that's cute."
And then my mom joined in
I mumbled
Then I saw everyone coming toward  the house.
Then my dad came in
"what are you ladies talking about."
I looked at my mom and she said
"Nessie's date with Jacob."
Right when my mom said that Alice dropped my breakfast that she was holding in the kitchen.

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