Missing Nessie

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Bella's POV

When I heard my daughter was with the Vulturi I couldn't help but blame myself for this. I finally got her back just to loose her again.

I was so mad they had her. They could hurt her if they want to, and I can't protect her. But the truth was even if I was there could I still save her?

"Hey" I heard, Someone say.

"Hi" I replied, I looked up to see Edward.

" you ok?" He asked worryingly.

Yea I'm fine Renesmee is with the Vulturi, Jakes unconscious, and I'm here I thought. But of course I didn't say that.

"Fine" I mumbled.

"Bella she will be fine," I don't know if he was trying to convince me, or himself.

"Edward nothin about this is fine" I said trying to not loose my temper.

"Bella she will be home before you know it" he tried convincing me again.

But I don't believe him. All I wanted was my little girl. I wanted her home, and safe, and away from the Vulturi.

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