The old days old memories

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Edwards POV
I was standing outside of Renesmee's room and watched as my daughter was lying down beside Jacob.

I just remembered what it felt like when she was gone, when she was in a different place. everyday Bella would sit around in Renesmee's room and go threw pictures we had of her. Until I thought Renesmee was safe and asked Carlisle and Esme to bring her here.

I went inside Renesmee's room, and remembered everything that happened after Renesmee left.

"Bella we had to send her away with Jacob we had no choice, she's with Jacob he will watch her he will take care of her." I promised

"I know it just hurts I won't be there for her." She confessed

"I know it hurts but before you know it she'll be back at home and into our arms again" I promised

"Ok I know she'll be back, I just hope she'll be safe" she replied

"Bella she's with Jacob she's safe trust me." I prompted

"Ok." She said

~End of flashback~
"Edward?" Bella asked
"Yea." I stated.
"What are you thinking about?" She asked.
"Oh nothing." I lied.

"Wanna go hunting?" I asked. Trying to change the subject.
"Sure" she smiled
With that we left the house we ran threw the forest like we used to.

I remembered when Bella became a vampire, and went hunting with me before we went to see our daughter. I remembered how strong she was to not go after human blood, and how she took that animal out. I remembered how fast she went threw the forest like a natural, like she was born to be a vampire.

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