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Lady Shareen watches the human intently. She'd never thought that she would fly to mate once she was hit with the magical disease. But now she feels clean and thoroughly cleansed for the first time in a decade. Lady Lisa sleeps exhausted after healing them. The level of magic Lady Lisa performed leaves Lady Shareen gasping. Being able to overcome the dragon's resistance to magic not their own alone is something human and elven sorcerers and wizards spent lifetimes working towards. Then she sent off even more healing on the wind through her tears. Lady Shareen hopes that those tears find the other dragons, her people's very existence might depend on that healing.

"Lady Shareen?" Prince Tyler, stands in the doorway.

"There has been no change Prince. I would never have thought the Earth realm could produce a naturally powerful magic user of that level."

"She didn't even believe in any of it until she followed me here. It was while I was fighting and dying that her powers came to life. That is when she sent the wave of fire out to kill our enemies."

Lady Shareen shakes her head, "No," she smiles, "it wasn't against our enemies. That spell was sent after YOUR enemies. Didn't matter who or what that enemy was. Had the dragon's also been enemies we too would've died."

"I doubt that, aren't you all immune to fire due to you innate abilities?"

Lady Shareen looks at him in surprise, "You mean you didn't know?"

"I guess I don't." Tyler doesn't like these games.

"Forgive me Prince, my father tells me I need to work on my people skills. All dragon kin are immune to the power of fire, unless a stronger dragon fires them. All enemy dragon kin are dead, turned to ash just like the rest of your enemies. Had my father been your enemy he too would have been ash." Lady Shareen says as matter of factly as saying the sky is blue.

"I did not know, no. I have been focused on helping repair my people's lives. The magical animals have reported some things to me, but most didn't report about their enemies in the rebel army."

"Very likely because no one wants to admit to having a weakness. My father was so wary of Lady Lisa for that very reason. He didn't want her to hurt him. She still did, but it was to help him, help all of us. Sometimes I think my father forgets that some pain is beneficial. 

"She is the reason there are riots is that not so Prince?"

"Yes, the people love her and were angry that she  'died'. So instead of showing their respect for her they show nothing but disrespect to her, myself and their own selves. Lisa was less than pleased by it all when she awoke." Tyler says having moved to the other side of the bed watching the woman that he loves more than his own life.

"What do you mean?" Lady Shareen asks wide eyed.

"Lisa was hit with a knife. There were none here that could save her, except herself. She also has enemies here through no fault of her own. It wasn't safe for her to remain, especially since she," Tyler stops and smiles, "This information will be told to all of the magical beings but for now I must ask you to keep this information to yourself. Lady Lisa is carrying my children, her life and that of my children was in serious danger here. I had no choice but to send her back to Earth and even there they almost didn't save her. She's still not fully healed, I had to bring her back due to her going back to the hospital for stress from being away from me."

"So the funeral for her was for her protection." Lady Shareen says under her breath. "And we have put her in danger of her health once more by her healing us. She is a very generous person, Prince Tyler, far too generous for Andreamore."

"I know." Tyler kneels at the bedside and takes Lisa's hand. "She didn't even want a reward for saving Andreamore. She's refused to take anything for restoring the lands, houses and food of my people. All that before she was able to return home."

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