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Tyler is in a foul mood, which is exactly what he needs to be in since he is supposed to be mourning Lady Lisa.

"Well gentlemen," Tyler's voice breaks the strained silence like a hammer breaking glass. His sarcasm is strong and thick as is his anger. "You wished Lady Lisa gone and you got your wish. Even now I have two trusted servants preparing her body and making preparations for her funeral.

"But, the princess has been called back to her realm as well. Lady Lisa foiled the assassination attempt on her life and sent out a curse much like she did against the enemy fighting us. There will be a treaty, but without the marriage clause. That treaty I will ratify. You will not ever, try to pull a stunt like you did today. You will not choose whom I marry, only I will do so. For your information I was going to ask Lady Lisa to marry me. I loved her more than you can believe, so you can forget about trying to get me married anytime soon." Tyler's voice had faded as he finished and now he has to fight to keep control of his voice.

"From now on, there will be no summons from the council unless there is an imminent danger to the country or throne. If there is anymore interference of the sort you caused, any more disrespect shown to myself or anyone of Lady Lisa's stature, the council will be disbanded. If there are any that wish to protest this, I would love to abdicate and let you rule. When the people find that Lisa is dead I will have to declare martial law."

"Oh, surely you go to far with that assumption Prince Tyler. Martial law?" The councilman that had taken over Lord Sourthy's position asserts contemptuously.

"You don't understand just how loved she was by the populace Lord Zamagliti. There have been several riots put down already today at just the rumor of me marrying the Fey princess. They will rampage once they find out that she is dead." Tyler's voice is low and deadly. There is no doubt just how much he means what he's saying. The depths of his anguish at losing Lady Lisa can also be seen.

There is a knock at the newly fixed doors and a guard slips into the room. He gives the prince a slip of parchment. Tyler reads the message and all emotion is wiped from his face, "Well gentlemen. Time is up, the riots have started. I call for martial law to be imposed starting right now." The soldier salutes and leaves to give word to the generals. Lord Zamagliti's face pales at the news.

"Tomorrow will be declared a holiday as we hold the state funeral for the woman that saved all our asses. Now I have no more time for this shit. Do not bother me again, except under the conditions I have stipulated." Tyler stand effectively dismissing them and walks out of the room without looking back.

Word quickly spreads to stay away from the prince, that his anger and grief are such that you don't want to be around him.

The princess manages to slip the spell book to him before she leaves. He finds a letter addressed to him. The letter once more apologizes for the pain that she has caused. She writes out the spell and she has already slipped control of the spell to him. He had worried about that part.

He locks himself in with Lisa as he studies the book. His old Elvish isn't that great but he's able to read through the text and finds what he's looking for. He reads through and memorizes the spell for creating portals. Tears once more fall, for now, very soon now, Lisa will be leaving him.

The next day is the state funeral for Lisa. The palace is packed, even representatives from the magical animals are there. Lord Beauty and Shian stand close to Prince Tyler. They hold the services outside so more people can witness the actual service.

After the service, those of high rank return to the palace. The magical animals either remain and are given foods according to their diets or return to their people, Shian and Lord Beauty remain.

Tyler and Lionel had already worked out where the portal was to be made and how they are to get Lisa's body to it. It turns out that Sandra is fairly effective at making illusions, not to the level of Lady Sourthy, but good enough. She sets an illusion of a body still within the casket as Lionel removes Lisa's body.

Then Sandra makes the illusion that Lionel isn't carrying anything. Once they are clear they slip into the old portal room, where the portal to Earth had been prior. There they rest Lisa once more. Tyler slips out, they already have their luggage ready to go with Lisa.

Sandra remains with Lisa while Lionel goes to the hall to pick his fight with Tyler.

"Prince Tyler," Lionel says going up to where the prince sits. Tyler doesn't know what words Lionel will use but he knows that now is the time.

"Yes, Sir Lionel?" Tyler tenses in anticipation. If any see it they think that he is preparing to crucify Sir Lionel for daring to interrupt his grief.

"You need to pull yourself together. Lady Lisa was a wonderful Lady, but she's gone now and we need you to be our leader." All true words but, the subject is touchy.

Tyler doesn't need to feign the anger that courses through him, if anything he has to restrain himself to keep from injuring his loyal man. "What did you dare say to me?"

"I said, Sire, that you need to pull yourself together so that you can lead us. Lady Lisa, a wonderful woman, wouldn't want you to be like this. She wanted you to be a strong leader for your people." Had he left it at that Tyler wouldn't have lost it, but he takes it one step further. "She would be ashamed at how you've dealt with things since her death." And that did it.

Just like that Tyler shoves a ball of energy at Lionel and throws him across the room. "Don't you dare presume to speak for Lady Lisa ever again. You are hereby banished. You have one hour to collect your things and find a portal out of Andreamore. After which time if you are seen you will be executed."

There are gasps throughout the room. All there know how close those two are and how devoted Lionel is to Tyler. Lionel painfully picks himself up, he's sure that he's got more than one broken rib each breath he takes gives him a stabbing pain. 

Seeing as how much pain he's in Lionel merely bows his head in acknowledgement, "As you wish Sire." The room is silent and none dare say anything or do anything to bring Tyler's attention to them.

Once Lionel is out of the room Tyler throws his metal goblet full of wine at the nearby wall. Letting out a scream of pain he leaves the room from another door. Word races ahead of the prince and the corridors clear out, no one wants to face Tyler's wrath. If he was willing to do that to his most trusted man what would he do to them?

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