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Tyler escorts Lisa to one of the couches and takes a seat next to her. "You like the group Imagine Dragons, I've heard you listen to their music many times." Tyler starts out.

Lisa confused by this nods any how, Imagine Dragons is her favorite group. Tyler smiles, "I find it ironic that someone that doesn't believe in fantasy loves a group with the name of Imagine Dragons." Tyler's smile fades.

"You are aware of their song, Ready, Aim, Fire?" Tyler knows the answer, it's how he heard it the first time himself. She loves that song.

"That song could be a symbol of this fight, this war. Andreamore, is an old empire. Perhaps too old, there are many that think that it's time for things to change. But unlike most empire's whose time has come, Andreamore isn't corrupt. It still shines like a sun to others." Tyler smirks to himself, "Or perhaps that's just wishful thinking on my part.

"We are threatened by a young generation that don't like the rules. The rules that people might advance according to ability."

"A meritocracy?" Lisa asks breaking in and Tyler nods.

"They are the ones from the aristocracy, that think that they should have the power because their ancestors earned it. Or because they have money, they themselves have done nothing to earn those rights.

"Our backs ARE to the wall. Soon the empire will fall. Unlike the song it hasn't happened in one day, but when we fall it will happen rather quickly. Those that are with me now believe as I do, they are few enough. They knew that I had gone to the Earth realm hoping to find help. But Earth relies on science, not magic. And although science works here, magic is what we run on. There is no help to be found there. There are no magic users as you made scathingly clear to me a few days ago. We are in the cross hairs and they are aiming getting ready to fire.

"Those that are with me and myself of course will be killed with the fall of Andreamore, if we aren't killed in the fight leading up to the fall. Neither I nor those that fight with me will accept the new order." Tyler lets the silence go for sometime.

"It is close now. I think the enemy knows that there is something on Earth that can help that's why the assassin was sent to kill me. If I had left without saying goodbye you wouldn't be here now, in the middle of the cross hairs so to speak. But I am a selfish person, and wanted to say goodbye one last time.

"The fighting is getting closer, the end is near. I will be sending you home soon, tonight possibly." Tyler says he gently wipes the tear from Lisa's face.

"Why Earth? are there not other realms?" Lisa asks in desperation to fight her tears.

"The seer said the answer is in the realm of Earth. To the place where I found you and Cal. At first I thought it was Cal, but he isn't the one." Tyler smiles and shakes his head, he'd been disappointed. Cal would have made a hell of a fighter.

"You mean it was me?" Lisa asks wide eyed.

Tyler pulls her into his arms, "No, Lisa, I thought at one time it might have been you, but, you have to believe in magic in order to use it and you don't believe. Everything you scorn are the very things you need to believe in to help."

Lisa starts crying, "I'm sorry Tyler."

Tyler holds the sobbing girl tight to him, "So am I Lisa."

"Highness," Lionel says interrupting.

"Yes, Lionel what is it?" Tyler says sadly. Lionel wouldn't intrude unless something important happened.

"The outer perimeter has been breached." Lionel reports, his words said without emotion but Lisa looking at the man sees the fear that he's holding back.

"Thank you Lionel. Make sure everyone is advised. Get the servants to safety and seal their portals. I'll seal the Earth portal myself."

"Yes, sire." Lionel says and leaves the room silently.

"Time has run out Lisa, time for you to go home and forget about me and Andreamore," Tyler says sadly. "Come," Tyler releases Lisa and gets himself off the couch before offering her his hand in turn.

Before they make it back to the room where they portaled in from Earth they start feeling explosions hitting the palace. "It won't be long now Lisa. Thank you for having been my friend." Tyler says as they enter the portal room.

They wait for Lisa's turn. Just as it's her turn there's an extremely loud explosion. "Come Lisa, you must go now." Tyler shoves her into the room. Lisa grabs Tyler before he can do anything else and kisses him. 

Tyler in surprise allows the kiss and even deepens it until another explosion brings them back to the here and now. Tyler closes his eyes and sighs deeply, "Thank you Lisa."

Then the door blows off narrowly missing the two standing in the middle of the room. Lisa falls but avoids injury since Tyler still has a hold of her. Lisa feels something in her ignite and burn. The fury she feels she's never felt before. Tyler goes to fight those that would come in. His heart heavy since he didn't have the chance to send Lisa back home.

He no longer can send her home but he can seal the portal and does. Then he gets back to the fighting. He feels a burning in his side and another in his arm. He starts falling.

Lisa watching her friend be disarmed and cut and stabbed losses what control she has over her fury, she unleashes it all. She sends it out to all those that would harm Andreamore, all those that would hurt her friend. And the fury turns to fire that attacks all the attackers and even some of the defenders.

Not just there at the palace, but all through the city and even beyond. The forces of the enemy are decimated even as the smell of overcooked meat rises in the air.

Lisa runs over to Tyler and holds onto him. Her hands start to glow and the blood that had been pouring out of his wounds trickles down to nothing. Before her eyes the wounds close, the only evidence that they'd been there are the thin white scars and the blood that covers Tyler.

"Lisa, forgive me." Tyler says as she holds him. Tears are in both their eyes.

"There is nothing to forgive, Tyler." Lisa says as Tyler smiles and falls unconscious.

That's how Lionel finds them sometime later as he races frantically looking for the prince.

"You, you did this." Lionel says in awe. He hadn't known how or why the enemy invaders had suddenly started being torches. He didn't know nor did he really care. He just dropped what he was doing and started looking for the Prince. He just hopes that it's not too late.

"Can you help him Lionel? He's lost a lot of blood, I've done what I can..." Just then Lisa also collapses.

Lionel is far stronger than he looks and swings both of them over his shoulders, one on each side.

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