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"Tyler," Lisa says as they return to his suite of rooms after dinner. "What am I to do here? I have no place. Not that I was really wanted on Earth..." Lisa lets her tears fall.

Tyler pulls her into his arms. "Here you do have a place, even if you never do a thing for Andreamore again. Lisa, I don't think you've realized just what you are now."

Lisa finds Tyler's arms far too comfortable a place to leave. "I don't understand, just what am I?"

"You, Lisa who always says she is useless, are one of the most powerful sorceresses ever born. Never in all the histories has someone of your strength been mentioned. Believe me, the strongest are always made known."

Lisa snorts in derision. "Me? the unwanted bastard daughter to some crack whore who abandoned me at the hospital. The one no one wanted because of the health problems? No one-" Tyler kisses her and pulls her closer to him to keep her from disparaging herself.

Tyler had been attracted to her from the start. Lisa had never had anything handed to her. She's had to fight just to survive all her life. That kind of courage attracts him, her light and fire for life attracts him. And he wasn't the only one.

Lisa moans in pleasure and Tyler allows the kiss to falter as he starts to kiss her neck. He feels her legs start to give so he picks her up. He's breathing hard when he forces himself to pull back. "Lisa-"

This time it's Lisa that pulls Tyler down and kisses him. She had like him more than a little, that's why she felt so bad when he left her apartment that day.

Tyler takes her over to the couch and sets her down. He leaves her mouth and starts kissing her down her neck until he gets to her dress.

When Tyler takes things further Lisa is powerless to stop him. She finds herself just as eager to help him rid himself of his clothes as he seemed to be.

"So much for the just friends theory," Lisa says later as she keeps him tight to her stroking up and down his back. She didn't realize just how comfortable his bed was when she was in it before.

"Lisa, I didn't and still don't want to make any assumptions about you or us." Tyler says getting up on his elbows, his body directly over Lisa.

Lisa smiles up at him, "You were no virgin Tyler and neither was I. Just because we share a bed doesn't have to mean more unless we want it to." But Lisa really hopes it does. She hadn't wanted to say goodbye to Tyler in the first place, that's why she had jumped into the portal. Then when he was fighting to save her and he'd been so hurt, she couldn't let that happen. She didn't understand how she could feel this way about someone she met just a few months ago.

Tyler doesn't respond with words he just starts kissing her again.

Tyler's lips kissing her bare skin are what wake her the next day. Lisa turns over in his arms and smiles up at him. "Hello prince. Lovely way to wake up I must say."

Tyler smiles wickedly and shows her what else is a good way to wake up.

Afterwards they lay entangled in each others arms, "Tyler, if this is an empire and you're in charge, why are you only called a prince and not emperor? Or at least king? I don't know how old you are but you are older than me. Surely if you were old enough to run the war and rule, than you are old enough to be called king?"

"You are right, I should be emperor. My parents were killed in the first few years of the battle. I will remain with the title of Prince until I marry, at which time I will become Emperor Tyler Andreamore the Seventh, and be expected to have my heir born within a years time.

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