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"How bad is it?" Tyler rubs his tired eyes.

"Our food stores are already stretched, if we don't figure out something our people won't have enough for the coming winter." The councilor that gives this report states it grimly.

"We have time for another crop of -" another councilor says.

"We have time for some crops, yes, but not the staples. Mostly the crops we can get in will be fodder for the animals. On that note we have more than enough food for the animals, even with those taking sanctuary." The first councilor replies, he sighs dejected.

"Tyler?" Lisa doesn't want to interrupt, but she doesn't like how dejected he is.

"Yes, Lisa? Do you have a possible answer to this mess?" Tyler could use any help she can give.

"You have access to other realms, why don't you see if any of them would be willing to trade or sell you staples for your people. You could see if they want to buy fodder that you can grow, that would be preferable of course." Lisa says in a soft voice and stops speaking as the other members of the council look at her with awe. They had never thought of going to other realms to trade or anything else other than try to save their people.

"Did I say something wrong?" Lisa asks as they all continue to stare at her.

Tyler shakes his head, "No, Lisa, it's just we've never thought to open trade with the other realms before."

Now Lisa is confused, having trading partners is something so common on Earth that it's unbelievable to her that the thought never crossed their minds before. "Why not?"

When Tyler doesn't answer she looks around the table at the other councilors.  "Well, if no one is going to talk to me then I'm not really needed here." Lisa stands up and makes her way out of the room. When not even Tyler says anything she doesn't hesitate to open the door and leave.

"Will you send for Sandra for me, please?" Lisa asks the guard at the door before going over to look out the window. She gets lost in her thoughts, buts she's not so lost that she doesn't feel the arrival of someone in her personal space.

Without even turning she says, "Either you move back or you will get hurt." There is a low chuckle from the person behind her, but he doesn't move back. Lisa is done with everything right now. She doesn't like that people are ignoring her or pushing her, all she wants is some space.

Since the man doesn't listen and move back Lisa turns around and knees the man, as hard as she can in his balls. As he doubles over gasping in pain and falling to his knees, she says, "I warned you. I don't know who you are and now I never want to. Don't bother me again."

The guards watch in amusement at the downed man. Sandra comes in and shakes her head. "Another one my Lady? You'd think that they'd learn after the first five or so." 

Indeed you would think so. Lisa goes to Sandra's side, "I don't feel well right now and just want to lie down."

"Of course My Lady." Sandra  leads the way, this only after the prince had ordered her to follow Lisa's instructions to the letter. She still glances back nervously since she doesn't feel right leading someone of such higher social status.

Once she makes it back to her chambers she goes to the window seat. Sandra sighs, she's afraid that something is wrong with Lady Lisa, but she can't ask her directly. Then she sees the tears and hears the quiet sobs. Everyone knows that Lady Lisa can't go home and Sandra fears that that's what is making her sad.

"Lisa," Tyler knocks on her door. Lisa doesn't move from her seat or even move to look away from the window.

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