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"The dragons are here, will you stand by me while I try to talk to them?" Ty asks as he holds Lisa to him.

"Try to talk to them Ty?" His wording makes Lisa nervous.

"They are a rather hard headed bunch. I'm still not sure why they fought on our side, if they had fought with their kin against us we wouldn't have lasted nearly as long as we did." Tyler replies as he opens the door and lets Lisa pass through. "But I am glad that they chose to fight with us rather than against us.

"The older the dragon, the stronger. They can shape shift, they just prefer not to since they lose all sorts of protections and fighting ability in elven form. They get rather cross when they have to change to this form." Lisa is now getting a bit nervous, she's not sure she wants to meet dragons.

"They'll meet us outside, but for this talk I'd rather be inside where we can control who sees and hears what is said and done far more easily." Tyler says this a bit harsher, the dragons might not like moving things inside and quite frankly Tyler isn't very happy about having to explain things several times.

"No, Tyler, don't. We'll meet them and greet them, make them welcome, but we will not explain everything to them and then do it again and again. Once everyone is here we'll explain it all at once. I see no reason to have to give multiple explanations. But I imagine we'll have to do it outside," Lisa's own voice has taken on a hard edge and Tyler looks at her thoughtfully.

"You have something planned?" Tyler is wearing a half smile.

"Only if they act out." Lisa replies firmly.

Tyler's smiles becomes a full one. He has no doubt that they will act out as Lisa puts it. "Very well."

"If they can be outside why are they shifting to elven form?" Lisa asks diffidently.

"These dragons are very old. In their dragon forms some of them are beyond huge. They wouldn't fit in the courtyards or even the entry grounds. If they wish to speak with me they have no choice." Tyler explains to a confused Lisa.

"How does something so big eat enough?" Lisa marvels.

Tyler laughs, "We never have an over abundance of deer or other large mammals. In really bad times we'll give them cows if necessary."

"In really bad times they should portal over to Earth or another realm and help them control their deer populations." Lisa says thoughtfully, "But they'd have to be careful about being seen."

"We aren't seen if we don't want to be." An amused voice says next to Lisa.

"You also have no manners unless you want to apparently," Lisa replies acidly. Tyler gaps at Lisa's reply.

The apparent elf steps back in shock. "Were you invited into the conversation? I thought with age came wisdom. I certainly hoped so anyhow. I thought the dragons at least would have some manners. Hell, aren't they supposed to be more wise than humans? They sure the hell aren't better mannered."

"Lord Geminis, this is Lady Lisa, savior of Andreamore and my fiance," Tyler introduces Lisa and the leader of the dragons. "Lisa, this is Lord Geminis, gold dragon and leader of the dragons."

"Lord Geminis," Lisa says coolly, "I'm new here and don't know anything about dragons, but does the color mean anything?"

"At times, yes, but now there are too few of us left to mean much of anything. Gold dragons, are the ruling dragons traditionally. Silver, the scholars, and so on down the line. However, our numbers have severely declined due to this war and other issues." Lord Geminis was flanked by several other dragons only one of which was a female.

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