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Once Lionel has his ribs xrayed they did what little they could for him he joins the others. They wait several tense hours for news. Finally the surgeon comes out of surgery and over to them. "Are you the party waiting for news about Lisa? Are you family?"

"We are the closest thing she has to family. She's an orphan. Myself and Calvin here are her foster brothers. Tyler is the father to the baby she carries. These two are friends of hers." Cal explains tiredly.

"Well your friend should make it. She's lost a lot of blood, but she seems to be a fighter. I think the baby will survive as well. We'll have a neonatal doctor take a look, as well as a gynecologist just to make sure that everything is going well. I'll be checking on her everyday in the mornings as long as she is here."

"Thank you Dr." Cal and the others say relief evident in all of them, but more especially in Ty. He can't help the tears that well up in his eyes.

Ty closes his eyes to hide the tears. He feels eyes on him and finds Calvin looking at him. Cal and him were pretty good friends but Calvin never fully seemed to trust him and now...well now any trust they might have had seemed to have left.

But Ty is confused about the woman at Calvin's side. Last time he'd heard Calvin was an even bigger player than he was considered in his realm, so he didn't understand what the hell Calvin was doing married. But really it didn't matter to him. The only person that really mattered is now out of surgery and likely to live. He hadn't dared more than wish for her to live, the way his life was going hoping for more would have killed her.

Calvin stops staring at him and gets up. He takes something out of his pocket and Tyler raises an eyebrow in surprise. He hadn't known that Calvin smoked, he's pretty sure that Lisa didn't either, she was rather vocal about her disdain of the nasty habit. Any time she had to be around those that were smoking she always waved to the smoke away and started coughing. Now Ty wonders if maybe she is allergic if so then he doesn't want Calvin around her smelling of cigarettes.

Calvin goes outside and Ty just to release some tension follows. "You know how Lisa feels about smokers." He states it rather than making it a question, after all Calvin had been her friend far longer than he's known her.

"Yeah, I also know that she's highly allergic to the smoke. Don't worry, I'll go home and shower before I go around her.

"Tyler, I know you told my brother about what happened, and I know you told the police, but how about you tell me the truth? Lisa has been missing for months and you bring her back here barely clinging to life. How the hell did she get attacked out in the middle of nowhere like that?"

"I did tell the truth. But Sandra and Lionel weren't there, instead it was someone else that had been the target. There are things you won't believe so I can't tell you about them, but Lisa truly did save someone else's life by putting her's on the line. Lisa hadn't been happy where we were at and I was trying to find a way to bring her home, but the attack happened before that could happen.

"I love Lisa more than anything Calvin. I would do anything for her, even leave her if that is what will make her happy or safe. That is why I'll be leaving soon, for her safety I have to leave. I'll be visiting as much as possible, but that won't be nearly as often as I want. There is a very real possibility that Lisa might only see me a couple more times before the baby is born. This isn't what I want though."

Tyler looks with anguished eyes over at the man, "If things were different I wouldn't leave her side, but the good of the whole is worth more than the desires of the one." His words are ones that have been drilled into since he was a child, but the bitterness is all his.

"What the hell are you talking about Tyler?" Calvin is getting angry now, he feels that Tyler is screwing with him.

Tyler looks at him and sneers, "You want the full truth? Fine, I'll give it to you, even though you won't believe a damn word of it. My name is Prince Tyler Andreamore, prince of the elves of Andreamore of the elven realm. Once I marry I will become Emperor Tyler Andreamore the seventh. My realm is the empire. I had chosen Lisa to become my wife and Empress to rule at my side when an assassin attacked an emissary from the Fey realm. Lisa stepped in front of the princess to protect her and was stabbed instead. Healing powers are rare in Andreamore, the only one strong enough to heal Lisa," Tyler smirks at the stunned look, "is Lisa herself. Yeah, I know, Lisa is actually an incredibly powerful sorceress. She single handedly stopped the civil war in my realm, restored my palace, crops, houses, healed the unicorn lord and his daughter, not to mention myself but she can't or couldn't heal herself.

"Before she ended the civil war, in order to protect Earth from possible attacks from the traitors, I had to seal the portal permanently. Only tonight was the spell found, by the very one she took the knife wound for, for me to create a new portal here. The people in my realm believe her to be dead, and there is rioting and chaos going on right now that I have to be there to stop. As soon as I know that she will be fine I will be leaving." Tyler says but the pain is evident and Calvin can tell that at the very least that was real.

"You're a Prince of Elves?" Calvin's disbelief is evident. "You're a fucking fairy?"

"No, the fairies are part of the Fey realm. The princess, the emissary the assassin was sent to kill, was or rather is since she's still alive, a fairy. Or at least what you term fairies." Tyler sneers once more, "However, we both know that wasn't what the reference was. I never realized just how prejudiced you were Calvin." Tyler watches Calvin color in embarrassment and shame. He had meant it in a disparaging and insulting manner.

"I care about her more than you can imagine. Losing her will hurt me more than anything you can possibly imagine. Now, my time is short here and I'd rather spend it at her side." Tyler says and returns to the inside of the hospital.

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