chapter 72: coffee

Start from the beginning

"To be continued." he agrees, kissing me back.

We pull away. "See you tomorrow." I say.

"See you tomorrow." he says, kissing me one more time before climbing out the window and walking towards his car.

I change into my jeans quickly, and rush downstairs.


stiles' jeep

Stiles parked the Jeep up a hill where we can look over Beacon Hills. It's late, but we can still see lights twinkle all over town. We eat as music plays on the radio. Stiles is unusually quiet.

"You okay?" I ask him.

"Yeah." he says and takes a bite out of his burger, almost done with it.

"Ok, I know I'm not a werewolf and I can't listen to your heartbeat to tell if your lying, but I am your sister, and I know when something's on your mind."

He looks over at me. "I'm just nervous, I guess."

"About going to college?"

"About everything." he admits. "I feel like everything is passing me by so quickly, and before I know it everything is going to be so different."

"It's part of life. Things change. We grow." I tell him and he looks out towards the town. "But it doesn't mean that we have to lose the people we love, if that's what your worried about." He doesn't say anything, and I know that's exactly why he's so worried. "We'll always have each other. Months from now. Years from now. That's one thing that'll never change." He nods solemnly, lost in thought but still listening to what I'm saying.

"What if I'm not good enough?" he blurts out. "What if I'm not a good enough student? Deputy? Husband? Father?"

"Stiles," I stop him. "You are. You will be. I don't doubt it for a second. And you shouldn't either. I know it's scary to think about all of that, but you're gonna be amazing. At whatever it is that you do." He taps his fingers against the steering wheel. "So you've been thinking about getting married? Having kids?" I ask him. Stiles and I have never really talked about things like this. Things that are so far into the future.

He finally looks over at me. "Yeah."

I smile at him. "You are going to be an amazing father. I know that because I remember how you cared for me when I was younger, and how you still care for me now. And I see how you are with Malia. You're gonna make a great husband one day too."

He smiles, but then shakes his head. "I mean, I have all of these plans. All of these things I want to do but, but what if it doesn't happen the way I planned it out."

"Then you just go with it. You just keep moving forward, until you get to where you've always wanted to be."

He nods. "Thanks." he says, and smiles at me.

"Of course. I'll always be here for you." I tell him. "No matter what happens."

"I'll always be here for you, too." he says.

We sit in the Jeep for a little while longer, talking about some of the things we look forward to doing in the future. Some of the things that frighten us. We listen to each others dreams and fears and give advice to the best of our abilities, until Stiles starts the Jeep and starts driving towards home.

"You know, I can't wait till I babysit your kids." I tell him.

He laughs. "Yeah, well you're gonna have to wait a while for that."

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