Goodnight | Pidge

Start from the beginning

Once she sat up, you knew she was awake.

"What are you doing in here? It's...Three in the morning."

"Just checking on you. I think you had a bad dream." Her eyes widened realizing she had awoken you from your sleep because of her actions.

"Oh- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up." Pidge stuttered.

She thought she looked like the biggest fool in the whole universe, while you thought the complete opposite.

"Pidge it's okay. I was making sure you were okay. I didn't know if you were hurt or anything, but I'm glad you aren't." You smiled, changing her shocked face to a grin.

She thought of words to say, when her face went emotionless yet again.

"Wait, what was I saying? You said I said something right? Or was I just making noises?"

The look on her face traveled to yours.

You could not tell her what she had been saying.

"Um-Nothing actually, you were just, uh, making noises." You managed to get out, a burning in your therapy from the lie.

She then smiled again while looking towards you. "Oh probably just a random nightmare. Thanks for waking me up before I woke everyone on the castle up haha."

You nodded, unsure if you should go back to your bed or not.

You noticed you were sat on her bed, not even remembering when you had done that. With that you began to get up until you felt a gentle hand on yours.

You looked at your hand then up to Pidge who was looking down, red spilling across her face.

"Uh-Could you um, maybe stay in here with me? If not it's totally okayIunderstanditsreallywei-" You stopped her by embracing her into a tight hug, your arms going around her torso.

"Of course I'll stay with you Pidge." You had said while pulling away looking into her eyes and the blush that filled her face.

She smiled, and when you thought that was it, it grew into the largest smile you had ever seen.

Immediately a smile spread from cheek to cheek on your face, not even trying to hold it back.

You both just sat there staring at eachother which seemed like years, but only lasted less than a minute.

You didn't know what to do, while Pidge was still unable to comprehend what just happened.

Yet in both of your completely numb minds, one thought arose.

It all started when Pidge decided to lean in the tiniest bit. Which caused you to do the same, just far enough in which both of your lips were touching.

Neither of you knew it, but both of your minds were racing. You didn't know if she was okay with it but once you felt her lips start moving you knew everything was fine.

Both of your lips moved in synch, until you pulled away  nearly gasping for air while watching Pidge do the same.

You felt heat rise in your cheeks as she looked at you and a blush crept across her face again.

She laid down in bed leaving you still sitting at the edge.

"What are you doing you goof." She laughed while patting the area beside her.

You smiled at her words while scooting up in her bed laying right beside her. Her arms wrapped around your torso, your arm going around her small frame.

Your mind was still racing, not believing that the girl you've had a crush on since the beginning was the one who you were currently latched to.

"Goodnight Y/n." She mumbled, you could tell she was already half asleep, but had to get her final words out there.

"Night Pidge, sweet dreams."

"You too... Love you."

You froze, in shock yet again.

She's not fully awake, she couldn't of meant that. Maybe she forgot that it was even you.

"Love you too, Pidge."

And with that her grip around you tightened just the tiniest bit.

Season two was wild. I feel like I should make a lil chapter telling how I felt about it but I feel like you all wouldn't be interested or it would just be a waste?


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