"Then we will give the throne to Lady Lisa." The council man bluffs trying to get Tyler to stay.

"The hell you will! You won't even allow me in here although Tyler himself has stated I'm part of the council. He," Lisa says storming into the room, "is the only one to rule this land. I will leave Andreamore, should you ever try to make that move."

"Tyler, come you have a breakfast date with me," Lisa says eyes flashing with contempt at each of the councilmen.

"Prince we will be announcing your betrothal tonight at the ball." The council member states although he's shaking so hard he can barely stand.

"Then you will be marrying her yourself, because I would rather abdicate than be forced into a marriage." Tyler says walking out and taking Lisa's hand goes to his room.

Tyler and Lisa go to his private dining room for a late breakfast. Tyler refuses to talk about anything that happened in the council chambers. With one exception, he was furious that they wouldn't let Lisa in.

"We'll go to another realm, Lisa, one that has a portal to Earth. We'll go back together. This has been too much disrespect and not just to you this time. They are skirting treason and I will not tolerate it.

"The people..." Tyler takes a deep breath, "they've been through so much and deserve better." Tyler scoots back his chair once he's finished and goes to Lisa's chair and helps her up. Lisa had finished some time ago and had just listened as he vented his rage.

Tyler escorts her back to the glass room. "What exactly did they do Ty?" Lisa asks gently brushing his hair off his face and caressing his face afterwards.

"They allowed a clause in the treaty that I will marry the princess sent here as emissary. They thought that I would sign the treaty without reading it. I won't do it Lisa. Before we were interrupted yesterday I was going to ask you to marry me. You are the one I want to marry." Tyler pulls her close and holds her.

"Tyler, there's something I've been needing to tell you, yesterday I was going to tell you." Lisa stops she's so nervous, although it helps that Tyler wants to marry her.

"What is it, Lisa?" Tyler pulls back so that he can see her better.

"I'm pregnant. The child is yours," Lisa finishes with a rush, still unsure how Tyler will take it.

Tyler picks her up and twirls her around as he shouts out in glee. Tyler sets her down then frames her face with his hands and kisses her deeply. "I'll find a way for us to get to Earth, Lisa. We'll go there and raise our child."

"That won't be necessary, Prince Tyler, Lady Lisa?" The princess from the Fey Realm steps out from the doorway.

"I must apologize. This mess is my fault, the treaty originally didn't have anything about marriage in it. In fact my sister would prefer it if there is no marriage clause. I had that added in so that I might remain here. Instead I will beg sanctuary or clemency and ask to remain here so that I do not have to go home." The Fey Princess says then continues her explanation.

"My sister is going to take the throne shortly from my father. She is more than a little mentally unstable, but my father either out of love or bewitched by a spell can't see it. The people do and don't wish for her to take the throne instead wish for me to do so. My sister is insanely jealous of this and I know for a fact that she will have me killed the moment I return to the Fey realm.

"In my research, I found no mention of Prince Tyler being partial to any female, so I formed the idea of the marriage clause. I had no idea that you were in love with someone Prince Tyler or I never would have done that. Forgive me both of you?"

Lisa had listened to the princess's story and believed her, but she had also been watching the person stealthily sneaking into the glass room.

Lisa suddenly pushes the princess behind her and the knife that had been meant for the princess instead hits her. It's not an immediately lethal blow, but the knife punctures a lung. Lisa lets out a spell herself even as she falls.

Tyler catches her and pulls her near with tears falling down his face. "Go get the guards princess." Tyler demands and the princess runs to find some guards, she notices one guard dead at the Prince's door.

"I'm sorry Tyler," Lisa gasps out, "I failed you this time." Her tears fall down unheeded on her face.

"You can't die Lisa, I won't let you. I need you." Tyler goes from ordering to begging Lisa.

"Not even you can stop death, Ty. Just promise me you'll find someone to make you happy."

The princess runs back. "I can't heal her prince, but I have a spell that might help. It's a stasis spell. If we can get her back to the Earth realm, their medical abilities might be enough to heal her."

"The portal to the Earth realm is sealed here. I no longer have access, but please I beg you place the spell." Tyler does indeed beg the princess, his own tears falling.

"It is done, she will appear as if dead until such time as the spell is released. I sense that there are many here that ill wish the Lady Lisa, perhaps it will be better to pretend that she did actually die? Hold a state funeral for her and everything." 

The princess is talking fast because the guards won't be long in getting there. "Part of the gifts I brought with me is an old Elven book of magic. We were able to decipher that much. Elven is hard enough but old Elven is even more difficult, but I believe there is a spell for making portals in this book." With her words Tyler jerks his head up, giving the first sign of hope he's had since the attack.

"I owe her my life, I will give you this book so that you might save her life. I will change the treaty to take out the clause of marriage."

"Thank you, the only thing I had against that treaty was the marriage clause. But I don't think you'll have much to fear from your sister now." Tyler says, no new tears were falling but he hadn't wiped the old tears away either.

"Why's that?" The princess asks gently.

Tyler gives a small smile, "Lisa sent off a spell. Both the attacker and ALL those behind the attack are dead now. You will likely be called home to take over the throne. Just be glad it wasn't fire this time."

The princess looks at him steadily like she's trying to figure out if he's joking or not. Finally she just gives in, "You're kidding right?"

Tyler just shakes his head as the guards come in. They stop suddenly at the sight of Lady Lisa and the knife in her chest.

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