Chapter 22

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Okayy so this is long overdue, and I am working on getting the uploads up quicker but at the moment that is just not possible.

THis is totally un-editted and I know there are quite a few mistakes in it but i just dont have the time so will edit it when i can...

anyway Happy February 29th Everyone!!!

I have now also been on Wattpad for over a Year!!!! WOOOOP WOOOP!!

Anyway on to Chapter 22

Chapter 22

“Ella, you coming honey, We have to be at the Michael’s soon, “ Mum calls out to me just as I slip into my ballet flats,

“Coming,” I call as I walk out of my room and down stairs but I don’t even make it out of my room as Dad cuts me off.

He looked me up and down slightly shaking his head.

“You’re not wearing that,” Dad announced.

“What, why not we’re just going over for lunch and a swim,” I replied.

“Ella just get changed,” Dad ordered.

“What wrong with it,” I questioned.

“What’s wrong with it, you’re half undressed,” Dad nearly shouted.

I looked down at my new strapless bikini, semi see through top and mini shorts.

“No I’m not,” I said.

“Ella this is not up for discussion go get changed,” Dad ordered pointing to my door.

I storm back in, I don’t get what his problem is, Chase has seen more well he’s seen me in a bikini a thousand times.

I took off the top replacing it with a bright red oversized t-shirt cut off just to show the mid riff.

I walked back out with a sly smile on my face, making my way down the stairs, Dads eyes popping out of his head, shakes his head disapprovingly otherwise he doesn’t say a thing then looks away.

“Are you ready,” Mum asked.

“Yep,” I said popping the ‘p’ heading towards the door.

“Jack clam down,” I heard Mom whisper.

“She’s doing this on purpose, that Chase isn’t good for her,” Dad replied.

“Jack, she’s happy just let them be teenagers,” Mom said.

“That’s what I’m worried about, I was a teenage boy once too I know what goes through their head,” he trailed off.

Then Mom giggled.

“Thankfully she’s not doing what either of us were when we were her age,” Mom commented.

“How do you know what Chase and I do isn’t the same thing,” I wondered facing them.

The blood drained from their faces eyes widening I’m pretty sure Mom stopped breathing for a second.

I rolled my eyes, making my way to Chase’s house.

I then rang the doorbell waited patiently for someone to answer.

“Hey babe,” Chase answered the door before taking in my appearance.

His eyes appreicivatly scanned up and down my bare legs and mid riff his eyes widening at the sign of my belly button piercing then landing on my top which made my boobs look twice as big maybe another reason dad didn’t really appreciate me wearing this top.

“Wh- whaa- what,” Chase stutters.

“Eyes up top Michaels,” dad said slapping the back of Chases head as he walked inside.

Chase dropped his eyes looking sheepishly to the ground, rubbing the back of his head.

“Hey Chase,” I replied walking up to him giving him a passionate kiss.

“Come in,” Chase says a bit bewildered.

He grabbed my hand leading me through the house to his back yard where Lacy was sun baking and Dad giving him the evils… once again.

“Teasing him I see,” Lacy commented with a wink.

“You have to keep them interested Lacy,” I replied.

“As long as that’s all you’re doing wearing that,” Dad added.

All the parents after that walked inside to do some parent stuff I guess.

I walked down to one of their lounge chairs, slowly and teasingly taking off my top curving my body for extra effect, then doing the same for my shorts.

“You enjoying that Chase,” I heard Lacy say.

“How couldn’t you,” he mumbles absentmindly.

I smirk crossed my face.

“No um… what am I enjoying,” obliviously coming to the realisation to what he had just said.

“Just don’t get horny, I am here,” Lacy replied.

I walked over to the edge of the pool swinging my hips from side to side, stretching with my arms up in the air the diving into the pool, once I resurfaced I saw Chase doing the same thing I did when I was removing my top.

All I heard was Lacy say in-between her laughter, “Chase when you do it… you look like an idiot.”

I giggled as I rested my arms on the side of the pool.

Chase’s face turned red but quickly recovered as he did a bomb dive into the pool creating waves.

I felt someone squeeze my sides making me jump; Chase wrapped his arms around my torso pulling me away from the edge. He turned me around pulling my close so there was no room, I wrapped my legs around his waist, and his hands ran up and down my back trailing his fingers.

When he did this it felt so right it sent shivers through my body pressing my body into him further, I cocked my head sidewards my hair following, I tangled Chases wet hair into my finger pulling him closer our lips just about to touch.

“Stop making a baby, come in lunch is ready,” Lacy called we both turned our heads to see her walking back inside already.

That’s when I was brought back to reality, I unwrapped my legs, let go of his hair then swam off closely followed by Chase.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2012 ⏰

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