Chapter 8

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Heyyyyyy!!! So I was just wayyy to excited because well my birthday is in 3 dayyyyyysss!! YAYYYYY so i thoughtt,.. hmmm.... what will i do this afternoon. Why not upload for my amazing readers :)

So here it is, Chapter 8.

Chapter 9 will be Up Friday  (My Birthday) as well as my 2 new books and winners of my 10 competition

Hello Husband, Fancy seeing you here


My Boys!

I have also made a new book called Read 'N' Review

So if you have a book you wwant me to read OR review just post the book name and any other info there

Ok, so this chappie is dedicated to one of close friends since Pre-K and also wattpad author Rachel_girl xx <3 Thanks for the choccies ;)

Chapter 8

We had just arrived at Mackenzie’s, the music was pumping and the party was in full swing.

Her house was huge it was like a big white mansion with these paved stairs leading to the front door.

We got out of the car walking up the great stairs to the opened door.

There were people everywhere, dancing, kissing, drinking and socialising.

 “Hi guys glad you made it,” Mackenzie greeted us looking over at Chase like a piece of meat.

“Well we couldn’t stay away,” I say with plastering a fake smile on my face.

“Well anyway, the drinks are in the kitchen and the back patio. We have heaps of nibbles and stuff so have a good time; I’m going to go dance,” she told us walking onto the make shift dance floor.

We walked through the sea of people to the kitchen where we grabbed our drinks heading out onto the patio manoeuvring around all the people.

“Hey want to dance,” Oliver Wiles, one of the schools players, asked.

I mean he was cute and all so,

“Sure, why not,” I replied taking his hand. “Look after my drink aye,” I told Chase over my shoulder, handing him my Pepsi.

Oliver dragged me onto the dance floor when Party Rock Anthem came on.

We started to dance to the music, having a ball.

A couple of minutes passed and he pulled me closer to him so there was no room between us.

He stared grinding against me, which I could totally handle, I just laughed it off.

He brought his head down starting to kiss me across my neck.

Ok that was too far.

I tried pushing him off but wouldn’t budge.

“Get off,” I said trying to push him off me.

He finished kissing reaching my lips he literally forced his tongue in my mouth.

“HEY!” someone yelled ripping Oliver off of me. “Get off her!” the same person screamed I looked up to see Chase dodging a punch.

“Calm down man,” Chase said standing back up.

“We were having fun, it’s not like nobody was getting hurt,” Oliver told Chase with a slight slur.

In the four years I have known him I had never seen Oliver act like this before.

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