Chapter 13

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HEYYY!!! I know i wasn't going to upload till NEXT friday BUT...



Ainsley and i went on in class and noticed then adn were litterally juping in our seats we were so happy!!! The teacher was giving us fuuny looks :P hehehe

Also just letting you guys know of an awesome new book by Roxytree223 call Player's cant play players

ALSO Ainsley, MissDicey, (co-writer) has an AMAZING new book Letter's to Home

it's slightly like Dear John

Please check them both out





(Chase POV)

We arrived at the diner with the guys turning up not long after; Ella had also invited Riley, Ash and Veronica.

When everyone was here we made our way into the diner.

We were greeted by Marge.  Marge was an elderly lady that, with her husband, ran the diner.

“Hey El, C, I haven’t seen you guys here in a while”, she started enveloping us in a hug.

“What do you mean; we were here nearly every day during the holidays!” I remarked smartly giving her a peck on the cheek.  “Yeah Ma, so how are you going?”

Marge and her husband, Peter, were practically our second parents, so we called them ‘Ma’ and ‘Pa’.  We came across Ma and Pa and the diner in primary school. 

We used to walk home from school stopping at the park each day.  The diner, being just across the road from the park, we soon ventured our way over there. 

Soon we were saving our pocket money so that every Friday we could buy some of Marge’s famous milkshakes. 

By Junior High, Marge and Peter were practically family, thus becoming Ma and Pa.


“Yeah darling, we’re all good.  Now what brings y’all here?” Marge says replying to my question, “Chase here won his first football match at Kilenstin.” Ella states proudly.

 “Oh my boy, well done!  Pa exclaims walking out from the kitchen.  “Pa!” Ella exclaims, rushing over to give him a hug.  “And how are you doing Miss Elly?” Pa chuckles out.

“Great Pa!  I’m now the main flyer for cheerleading”, El exclaims brightly. 

With her Dad away a lot with work, Pa was like a father figure in her life.

“How about some celebratory fries and shakes on the house?”

“Yeah!” the guys cheer behind us at the sound of free food.  I had totally forgotten they were here…


We all then take our seats, separating into our own cliques at the tables.   Pa heads back into the kitchen to put on a new batch of chips, Ma is going around from table to table collecting milkshake orders. 

El and I are in our usual spot right in the back corner beside the jukebox. 

Ma makes her way over to us.  “So what will it be for you two?” she starts, smiling, “Chocolate milkshake with chocolate sauce and chunks of chocolate fudge” we all recite together, jokingly.

  “Ma, could you make it one extra-large with two straws this time.” I say putting my plan into action.

Ma just gives us a knowing smirk before moving on.

“Why one, with two straws?” Ella asks me, confusion clear on her face,

“Just cause”, I reply. 

*Now I’ve had the Time of My Life*

starts up from the jukebox and a smile makes its way onto my face as I remember all the times Ella and I have danced to this song.

I just catch a glimpse of Ma’s retreating figure, I chuckle and look over at Ella; she is also smiling.

When we were little we heard this song and became obsessed with it.  I think Ma had enough of my terrible dancing and so taught us the dance to it.

I stand up turning back to El, “May I have this dance, m’ lady?” I ask offering her my hand.

“Why, of course, dear sir”, she replies in a posh voice taking my hand.  I can’t help but chuckle as I lead her out to the makeshift dance floor in front of the jukebox.

She wraps her arms around my neck as my own wrap around her waist.  “You remember the dance?” she whispers playfully in my ear.  “How could I forget”, I say back as I trail my arms up her sides to her hands before spinning her out.

And we start. 

We have done this dance a million times over the year. 

I look up to notice Ma had taken up a seat right in front, watching and smiling like a proud Mum. 

When the song finally ends we are chest to chest, breathing in time with each other.

 Our hands are intertwined.  “This is it!  Ask her out”, I tell myself.  “Ellybear will you …” 

(Ella’s POV)

“Ellybear will you …” his sentence was cut short with the sound of applause.

I look up to see all of Chase’s friends and Ash, Roni and Riley watching.

I blush and hide my head in Chase’s chest. 

He automatically wraps his arms around my waist. 

“What were you going to say CC?” I ask looking up at him through my lashes, honestly wanting to know I knew a part of me was hoping he was going to ask me out.

“Oh, I was just going to ask if you wanted to go to the beach tomorrow”, he states indignantly.  “Oh”, I say and I can’t help the sad and disappointed look which comes across my face but I quickly mask it “Yeah, sure”. I state looking away from him

“Excuse me, I’m just going to go to the bathroom”, he says leaving me standing there.

(Chase POV)

“The beach!? I mean seriously Chase, why couldn’t you just say the words you actually meant!” I yell at myself in the bathroom mirror.

I take a deep breathe, “Ellybear will you go out with me?”

“See, it’s that simple.”

 “I WILL!  I WILL ASK HER OUT … tomorrow?”

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