Chapter 17

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Heyy! Thanks to all of you who have checked out Ainsley (MissDicey)'s books, it means alot

I also have a little chapter 17 part II like bonus chapter which will be up sometime this week depending on how much i get done tomorrow :)

Also I have a new advice column type thingo up called Love Doctor and its just like ask me advice on anything, mainly love and i will help you out where i can.

Also on there i have alot of fashion advice, as yeah for those of you who don't know I am planning on doing a double major of Fashion and English (i know wierd mix) at Uni so i can do eitherr Fashion design, Writting OR my dream job as Fashion edittor in a fashion mag, I am very fashion oriented.

AND for this week only i will be uploading a photo of myself where you can actually see me, ( I am also wearing my skirt i made, i love it XD )





I awoke to the feel of someone’s lips against my own; I jump in shock, head-butting the person in the process,

“OW!” they scream together, it is then that she realises that it was Chase.

“Don’t scare me like that!” I scream at him, as I rest a hand over my heart trying to get it to slow down.

“Sorry…” Chase mutters looking sheepish.

“What the hell were you trying to do?” I exclaim

“Kiss you?” Chase phrases questioningly

“I was asleep!”

He just nods looking glumly at the floor as he mutter’s something under his breath.

“What did you say?” I ask

“It sounded romantic in my head,” he mutters just loud enough for me to hear.

“Oh Chase!” I say shaking my head at him, before pulling him into a hug.

“It would have been kind of romantic if it weren’t for the fact that I had no idea who the hell was kissing me and so I freaked out! What are you even doing here this early?” I ask confused usually Chase sleeps in ‘till the last minute possible before rushing to get there on time,

“Early? El, its 8 o’clock,”

“WHAT! Get out! I need to get ready! Damn you!” I scream in frustration, I can’t believe I overslept and we had to be at school in 45 minutes and it takes us 20 minutes to get there!

“Why damn me? It’s not my fault you slept in.” chase defends

“It is! Well I wouldn't even be asleep if you weren't texting me until 3 am!”

“I'm sorry... If it’s any consolation you look cute when you are sleeping,” Chase says trying to sweet talk his way out of it


“But I’m so sorryyy...” Chase whines; I have to hold back my smile at his act

I give him a peck on the lips,

“it's alright now get out I need to get ready.” I explain and he grudgingly leaves, shutting the door behind him.

I rush into my cupboard grabbing the nearest thing, which just happened to be a dress my mum bought me last year, and I had never worn, not bothered to look for anything else I threw the dress on rushing into the bathroom to quickly do my hair and make-up.

Those Crayons (On Hold until September)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum