Chapter 19

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Heyyy!! Sorry for the wait but I have been busy with a bus load of assignment, Homework and exams before school ends in a couple of weeks.

It was the year 12's last day yesterday :( so this is for them

BUT this is dedicated to the absolutely amazing KYM7687 for guessing who it was kissing Mr Scott... This may be a bit of a shock for you all but I thought it was absolutely cute and this couple will come into things later on...






Whatever let’s just get this over with,” Chase grabbed my hand our fingers intertwined.

He opened the door and the scene in front of us was shocking.

They pulled apart at the sound of the door but there sitting on the desk was Mr Scott kissing…


“ASH!?” I shout in disbelief “What the hell are you doing?”

They quickly part, Mr Scott looks guilty while Ash looks Scared

I mean how long has this been going on? Mr Scott only came this year did it start then or was it already happening?

O My God did that mean Ash was cheating on James?

(Ash P.O.V)

I stare up at Mr Scott as he slowly leans in closer,

“Are you sure you want to do this?” He hesitates

“Yes now kiss me already,” I reply wrapping my arms around his neck as he crashes his lips to mine.

I had been dreaming of this exact moment since I met Nathan over Summer Break. James and I had been having troubles and fighting continuously and Nate had been there for me. I had wanted so badly to kiss him, but he wouldn’t allow it saying that I had to work thing out with James first and only once I was a free women would he ever touch me. He told me all about how his Ex cheated on him and how much it hurt. He would not do that to another.

Then well school came and he found out that although I was 18 I was still in High School.

Coming home after school one day it was a shock to find none other than Nate in my kitchen talking to my Mom, apparently he was our new next door neighbour.

He saw me kissing James against the lockers, I could see the pain in his eyes as he turned around and walked in the opposite direction.

That night when Mom asked him over for dinner was very awkward but then Mom dropped the big bombshell. Dad’s business trip had got extended over in Paris and so Mom had gotten some time off work and was joining him so I would be staying with none other than, you guessed it, Nathan.

I got closer to him and he showed how a real man should love a woman.

So I did what I had been thinking about for a while now but never had the guts to do, I dumped James.

So now, now I was free. Free to date the man I truly loved.


I feel Nate’s tongue against my lips asking for entrance and I gladly open pulling him in the direction of his desk. As my back hits the desk Nate hoists me up so I am sitting on his desk

“ASH!? What the hell are you doing?” I hear someone exclaim and jump away from Nate in shock and sheer terror.

I mean this is our first proper kiss and we get found out.

I look up with pleading eyes to see Chase and Ella at the door both in shock.

“Ella please let me explain!”

“How long has this been going on for?”

“Well I met Nate on Summer Break…”

“SUMMER BREAK? So you have been cheating on James for that long!” El exclaims clearly angry

“NO NO NO NO NOO!!! We MET on Summer break but we haven’t done anything,” I explain while Chase just raises his eyebrows, “ I mean well that was our first kiss, Nate was very specific on waiting until James and I were broken up to do ANYTHING, before today the worst we had done was a kiss on the cheek.” I explain while Nate just shifts from foot to foot, a nervous habit of his.

“Ok,” Ella says calming down

“I mean you wont tell anyone? Will You? Please don’t! I can’t have Nate lose his job! I can’t leave him, please Ella!” I blubber as my eyes start to water.

Ella just gets up and hugs me.

“It’s alright, I understand. If Chase was a teacher I wouldn’t care I’d still be dating him, I love him and I can see how much you love Mr Scott.” El says just loud enough for Nate and I to hear but not loud enough for Chase to hear.

I smile at her, wiping away any stray tears.

“Thank you” Nate says sincerely,” You both can go, don’t worry about detention I will deal with it. I am sorry for snapping at you on Monday, I had just had enough of affection when I couldn’t show it to the one I loved,”

El hugs me one more time before leaving with Chase, hand in hand.

I feel somewhat relieved that El understood. Now if I needed to talk to someone about Nate and I, I could confide in her.

I was also relieved that her and Chase wouldn’t tell yet somewhat nervous…

What if it was someone else? Someone less understanding?

We needed to be way more careful so that this would not happen again. I couldn’t risk my relationship with Nate like that.

Nate wraps his arms around my waist and lean back into his body,

“Let’s go Home Angel.”


Just to clear up any Confusion Ash is one of Ella's closest friends... She was the one dancing with El when Mackenzie and Chase kissed and Ash along with Riley were the ones to interupt when Chase and Ella were making out against the lockers after the confrontation with Mackenzie,

Just clearing that up to those that cant remember her,

She hasn't been a key character so far but she will start coming into things more now.

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