Chapter 3

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Here is Chapter 3.

Thank you to all of you who have fanned, commented, voted or read this story

We were so overjoyed o find it get up to the 150's in Ten Fiction and 600's in What's Hot.

Her is the next Chapter, My internet i down though so i will update when and where i can.




Chapter 3

(Chase’s POV)


“Mum we’re home!” I call out as me and El walk in.

“In the Kitchen,” Mum calls back so we make our way to the Kitchen to find April, Ella’s Mum, In there talking away with my mum. I look around and notice Mrs T had been busy today…

“COOKIES!” I yell excitedly, my whole face lighting up. Mrs T’s cookies are the BEST

All the girls just laugh at my childish behaviour.

“Mum did I hear Chase and Ella get Home?” My Big Sister Lacy calls out.

Lacy must be home for the weekend, she lives in the city with her Boyfriend Hunter but visits regularly.

“LLAAACCCYYY!!!!” Ella Yells running up the stairs to give her a Hug.

Ella and Lacy are so close they are best friends practically sisters.

 “Now who is acting like a little kid,” I mumble, too slowly it seems as Ella and Lacy had already made it down the stairs and Ella had heard me.

An evil smile spreads on Ella’s Face.

Ella HATES being call little.

She may not be the tallest girl at her Petite height of 5’5 but it suits who El is.

As Ella stalks towards me I look side to side, searching for an escape route but found none.

I let out a yelp as El jumps on my back.

I laughingly grab her legs and run around the house with her on my back.

By the time we are done acting like children we are laughing so hard we can barely breathe.

I drop Ella down on the couch while I flop down into the chair beside it.

When I stop laughing and my heart rate returns to a normal pace I stand up grabbing El’s hand and dragging her back into the kitchen for cookies.

“I am still angry at you,” El states pouting, trying to keep the smile off of her face.

“B-bu-but… You know I didn’t mean it like that,” I state in return using the puppy dog eyes on her knowing how well it works.

“Fine!” She yells dramatically, “You’re forgiven.”

A smirk creeps it way onto my face and Ella whacks the back of my head,

“Don’t get too cocky now.”

Lacy breaks into our private conversation by laughing so hard she falls off her chair,

“I see the puppy dog eyes still work on you El” She says between laughs.

Soon our Mothers join in laughing at us while El just sheepishly looks at me and at the floor

I stand there with a big smirk on my face, eating away at Mrs T’s Cookies.

Hey those cookies are DEEEELICIOUS!

When our Mum’s and Lacy have finished Laughing at us, Lacy drags Ella up the stairs and into her room for ‘Girl time’.

The mum’s go back to gossiping and I make my way out to the living room to watch some sport.

Being surrounded by girls I need some male time.

Not long after turning the TV on does Lucky, My Golden Retriever, Jump up on the couch beside me

I absentmindedly pat him while I let my thoughts run over my first day.

Jake and Ryan seem cool and are great guys, I just hope I can get onto the team, I am really missing being out on the field.

I am brought out of my thoughts by El walking down the stairs and joining me on the couch.

Lucky absolutely loves El, at the moment Lucky was happily rolling around on the floor while El was patting him. It was just too cute.

I chuckle at how putty in her hands Lucky is.

El flops back on the couch resting her head on my shoulder.

We stay like this watching the end of the football match.

Ella and Mrs T stayed for dinner and we just called in some pizza.

When the Pizza arrived Ella went to go and get it.

(Ella’s POV)

The mum’s couldn’t be bothered to cook and were too busy gossiping like school girls so we called in some pizza.

*Ding Dong*

Pizza Guy,

“I got it,” I yell into the kitchen.

“Jacob?” I question

“Ella? Umm.. Here’s your pizza.”

“So... Um Hi, Roni didn’t mention you were back. Um how have you been?” I say bewildered to see him.

(Roni, Veronica, was one of my friends from school, cheerleading vice-captain, nicest girl you could meet and Jacob’s twin sister.)

WOW this was awkward; Jacob was… my old boyfriend.

We ended up deciding on a mutual break-up and to stay friends but then he got a scholarship to a well renowned Sport school a fair bit away so he boarded there.

I hadn’t spoken to him since the day he left nearly a year ago.

“Come on Ellybear, Where’s the pizza? I’m Hungryyy” Chase wined walking up behind me and wrapping his arm around my waist.

I can only guess what Jacob thought but I am guessing he thought that Chase was my Boyfriend.

“Jeez Chase I am coming, you get hungry way too easily, “I say poking him in the stomach, “I was just here chatting with Jacob he is an old friend whom I haven’t seen or spoken to in years.”

 “Hi Jacob, I’m Chase.” Chase stated with a smile extending his hand to Jacob.

“Hi. Well Ella I better get back to work nice seeing you,” And with that Jacob walked to his car and drove away.

“HURRY UP YOU TWO! Some of us want to eat it while it’s hot.” Lacy yells from the kitchen and we made our way through the living room and into the kitchen.

The night passed carelessly and we had a lot of fun.

(Chase’s POV)

As the door shut signalling the departure of El and Mrs T I felt as if all the excitement and energy had drained out of me.

I slowly made my way up to my bedroom and flopped on my bed.

Tonight had been great.

I was so happy to be able to see my Best Friend every day.

That night I went to sleep with my mind wandering to thoughts of my Ellybear.

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