Chapter 12

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Yello!!! So here is Chapter 12... I am sorry to say we will NOT be uploading next friday... We have both been really busy lately and have had no time at all to write.

We also had andwent to the Ekka ( a HUGE carnival style thing ) and everything is on for us at the moment with school.


Brodie and Dani-!! HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYY!!!!!! xoxo

 Dedi to Syzinmare who is absolutely amazing and without her support of all my books i would not still be writing xxxx




Chapter 12

(Chases P.O.V)

“Chase! Ella’s here,” mum called up to me.

“Coming mum,” I yell as I throw on my new red and white football jacket walking out of my room.

“Go, Go, Goo!” I hear dad yell from the lounge room as I walked down the stairs.

I laughed walking down the stairs as I heard dad screaming at the TV. He was watching the New York Jets vs. Miami Dolphins

I walked into the kitchen to be ambushed by Ella.

“Guess what,” she said with a cheeky smile on her face.

“What,” I asked warily.

“I got Lacy and Hunter to stay for the game,” she announced.

“Really? That’s cool! Where is she?” I wondered in excitement, Lacy hasn’t been to one of my games since before she moved out.

“Telling Hunter that they’re staying for a couple of more hours,” she said.

“So he doesn’t know,” I questioned.

“Nope,” she said popping the ‘p’.

“Well we better get going anyway, if we want to be there on time,” I said draping my arm over Ella’s shoulders.

“Okay… bye Jen, bye Dave,” Ella calls out over her shoulder as we walk out of the house.

“See you mum and dad, I’ll look for you in the crowd,” I yell after her.

“Bye guys we’ll be in the crowd cheering you on,” mum calls from the kitchen.

“Go out there and show them what you got, son” Dad calls out over the TV.

We walked out to the carport talking about random things. I opened her door like the gentlemen I was before jogging around to my side. I slid in and started the car; heading down the road to school.

“You excited,” she wondered.

“Probably more nervous,” I replied honestly.

“Oh come on you are the reason Kilenstin (A/N His old school mentioned in the first few chapters) always won and know without you they have no chance,” Ella said trying to ease the nerves.

“Doubt that, I don’t think people believe in me enough”

“I believe in you,” she said as we pulled into the school car park.

“Thanks that’s what I needed,” I replied cutting the engine and going over to get her door for her.

We got out of the car and took in the school around us.

The school was buzzing with activity; the car park was filled with cars coming in and out. I slung my arm over Ella’s shoulders and walked towards the locker rooms.

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