Chapyer 5 - TC

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Heyy!! So I am Home now, Had a great time over the holidays.

This is dedicated to RandomShenanagans (formerly LittleMissBipolar) for her continuos support and I am in love with her book - Way to Survive High School: Hoodie's or Heels?

As said here is the Upload for Those Crayon's Chapter 6.

This chapter we decided to heat it up a bit ;)

Don't worry though it is still G rated.

x :)

Madi & Ainsley





*Bring Bring*

Thank the Lord! School was finally over!

Don’t get me wrong school wasn’t actually that bad it’s just the fact that it drags on too long, If we had periods 2-4 (10-3:00) then went home everyone would be happy!

But then again we are teenagers so we will probably find something to complain about.

And it would probably put up the usage of alcohol.

Ok so maybe not the best idea, but school still is too long.

I started walking out to the car park chatting away with Riley as she was explaining for the 3rd time today, 4th if you count when she called me at 11pm when she got home from her date.

Riley was going on and on about how he tucked her hair behind her ear or some other gushy romantic stuff. I looked around the car park for Chase.

Oh Right! Chase had is Football trials today.

I hastily said goodbye to Riley and made my way over to the field.

As I reached the field I noticed Jason, this year’s football captain and a good friend of mine sitting down on the coaches bench so I joined him,

“Heyy Jase!”

“Oh! Heyy Ella.” He said noticing me.

We chatted away about what we had been up to lately and everything.

Despite being captain of the Football team Jase didn’t sit with our ‘Popular Crowd’ preferring to sit with his girlfriend and friends at the Sporties click. Him and Sam (his girlfriend) would easily fit into our crowd but preferred the sporties for much less Drama and B*tchiness.

We had started on the topic of him and Sam and how long they had been going out and how they were going when Chase finally emerged from the change rooms closely followed by Jacob.

Wait! JACOB??

What was he doing here- Oh right Jacob has to re-try out as he left.

“Okay boys you ready to see if you can make it back onto the team?” Jason said to the boys,

“We’ll start with 3 laps then 33 push-ups & 33 sit-ups” The boys raised an eyebrow at the amount but did not question him and started off.

As Jase sat back down I asked,

“What’s with all the number 3’s?” In which he replied with

“Oh that! Yeah 3 is my Favourite number, Jersey number and Sam and I got together on the 3rd of March (3/3) we have also been together for 3 years “

“WOW! That long?” I Question him.

“Yeah I know. But I have known her since we were babies, Our Mum’s are best friends,” He explains

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