The Times I Love Being An Editor

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Two updates within an hour of each other because why the hell not?

So I edit books on Wattpad from time to time, and over time I've began to resent being an editor because people are constantly asking me to edit books that don't need editing and it frustrates me. But there have been fleeting moments when I've loved being an editor.

My favourite books to edit are when the author tells me that I can add extra detail to make the chapters longer, and that's when my creative juices begin to flow. I love adding in description to books and making 100 word chapters into 1,000 word chapters instead of correcting a spelling mistake here and there.

I don't know if that means I enjoy being a ghostwriter, I'm not quite sure exactly what a ghostwriter does. But I like lengthening chapters, usually with description or dialogue. And those are the times where I've actually enjoyed editing books, especially when I've been able to make cliché  books sound less cliché .

I've done this for a few books now, and I absolutely love it so much. I could do it for hours, in fact I have done it for hours. It feels like writing a book but you don't have to make up the plot or the characters, you just have to add description.

So I guess this isn't exactly a rant because it's not something I'm annoyed about, but more an advertisement. If you've got short chapters that you want lengthening, message me. I'm good at it I think, I've never received any complaints.

Comment topics you want me to rant about, I kind of stopped doing it for a while but I want to start again!

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