Paranoid Friendships

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In the entirety of my life, I don't think I've ever been friends who have just been 'nice' to each other. Every friendship group I've been in has had some sort of huge argument, usually multiple arguments a week, and sometimes I start to think that I'm the problem (which I'm not because I'm about as passive as you can get).

Anyway, that's just context I guess for who I'm friends with (they're all amazing but there have been some pretty heated arguments). While arguing with your friends isn't fun, I think I've finally found something I hate even more than arguing with them- when friends are paranoid about you leaving them just because you make some new friends.

I'm adequately sociable, and tend to like to hang out with different people a lot of the time, but I can't help feel like one of my friends is just really paranoid about me leaving her or something. I won't go into too many details, but her actions and some of the things she says make her sound like she is trying to cling onto me for dear life like I'm about to leave at the drop of a hat.

At the end of the day, it's her paranoia which is making me want to distance myself from her as it makes me feel like I have to spend every second with them. I actually feel guilty for hanging out with other people, and that's healthy to feel like that in a friendship.

So yeah, that sucks. But on the bright side, my exams are over and I watched The Lion King at the Westend yesterday so that was good.

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