Reading Rants

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Recently I've been getting really into this thing called 'BookTube' which is basically this sub-genre of YouTube which is dedicated to books. BookTube has made me think about a lot of things when it comes to my readings tastes and the way that I look at books, and it's made me realise that I was a pretty big book snob without realising it.

I've never ever been into YA (young adult) books before, and always thought of them as babyish or stupid- AND I WAS SO FREAKING WRONG. YA is great, and while I still don't read a lot of it, I have been converted and have many YA books on my TBR pile at this minute.

This rant is going to be very all over the place because I don't really have anyone in my life to vent about reading and books to. No one in my life seems to understand my deep love for books, and why I need them so much.

And the only reason I'm writing this rant is because today I realised I couldn't remember the last time I had been so lost in a book I couldn't put it down, and it made me question why I read what I read.

If you don't read my book log, you should know that this year I've started reading Classics very heavily in an effort to educate myself about literature before going onto doing an English degree at university in a couple of years. But I was asking myself today whether I even like these books? Sure some of them are good, but I've never been so invested in one of them that I couldn't stop reading.

I feel like I've stopped reading for pleasure and started reading for sport. I'm reading Anna Karenina at the minute, and I know deep down I'm literally only reading this book to say that I've read it. Sure the story is good, and I can't wait to watch the film when I've finished, but I'm not reading it solely for pleasure.

There were times when I could sit and read a book for hours on end, and now I can barely read for more than 30 minutes without my patience wavering. I want to take a break and evaluate where I'm going wrong but I don't really know when and how to stop ploughing through a TBR which is over 70 books long.

I just want to have that feeling again of being so in love with a book that I can't take my eyes off the page.

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