Parental Intrusion Into Personal Life

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I get that parents want to look out for you and make sure that you're alright and stuff, and up until a few weeks ago my parents weren't like crazy intrusive into my life. And still to this day my dad knows where boundaries are and which ones shouldn't be crossed.

But my mother, to be honest she's probably monitoring this account without even telling me, has gone too far recently. She went through my phone the other day behind my back, but it was on airplane mode so she wouldn't have been able to see anything but it was still a massive intrusion into my life.

However my phone isn't the place where I keep my secrets, and more importantly details of my personal life. Your phone is a risky place to put anything too personal in because your friends could use your phone and find stuff, so I never have anything too private on my phone.

She apologised when I confronted her about it, and I could kind of understand where she was coming from. I also knew that she would find nothing on my phone so that was fine.

But after that incident I decided that maybe she could be intruding on other stuff without me realising. And the first thing I thought of was my diary, which in all fairness I used to keep out in the open, but that didn't mean it was for anybody to read. It is my personal confidant, which I tell everything to.

So I set some 'traps' as I would call them, just to see if I was being paranoid. I put things (my diary and pen) in very specific places so I would know if she moved them, and I had really hoped that I would be proved wrong. But come the day after, I go to bed and realised that things have been moved and my heart drops.

The thing is that it's not like my diary has anything that interesting in it, nothing majorly secretive, but it's the principal of it. A diary is something that only you see, and you should be able to feel like you can write anything in it without worrying.

She doesn't know that I know, and I'm now forced to hide it. Not because there is anything to hide in it, but because I want it to be only seen by me- that's the whole point of a diary.

I know she wants to keep me safe but my diary is mine, it's a place where I can write stuff and not worry. It's a step too far and I'm not happy.

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