The Wattpad Rants: Pet Peeves In Books

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I know these kind of lists have been done all over Wattpad. We get it, no one likes bad boy cliches anymore! However, I thought to bring this mini-series (The Wattpad Rants) back to life and I would let you guys know the things in books that really piss me off. And before anyone gets offended, I am guilty of doing nearly all these things myself.

1. Too much description. Of course I love to see some description in a book, but when it's just page after page of description about a character or a setting it gets boring! Description here and there works well in stories, but whole chapters of warbling description are a massive turnoff.

2. Clichés. I won't get into too much details about how much I despise clichés, but they cause me to roll my eyes a lot and sigh. Come on now, we don't need another book about a teenage girl falling in love with the quarterback.

3. Obviously unedited chapters. Newsflash, there is something called spellcheck. Newsflash, it's pretty darn useful. Whenever I see a chapter that has just obviously not been edited I just feel like the writer hasn't put much effort into the story. It takes like ten minutes maximum to spellcheck and grammar-check, and makes everything 100% better.

4. Storylines that go nowhere. When the premise sounds great, but the story doesn't really move. Yeah, that annoys the hell out of me.

5. No covers. It takes like three minutes to make a basic cover with a picture and words on it!

6. Whole chapters of dialogue. I am so guilty of this, I basically wrote a whole book of dialogue, so I can't be too scathing. The reason this annoys me is that it doesn't flow too naturally, and it can become too excessive. No one cares that the characters say 'hey' to each other.

7. Any author that asks for a certain amount of votes for the new update. Just stop. Your main incentive to update shouldn't be due to the number of votes you have.

8. Writers hating on other writers. Hate and constructive criticism are two different things, and I hate it when writers hate on other writers. Wattpad is a place for everyone to learn and hone their skills in a safe space, it's not for writers to turn on each other.

This is just the tip of the iceberg (and everything I could think of off the top of my head) so a part two may come soon.

Comment what sort of rants you want to see and any topics!

My thoughts and prayers are with anyone that was affected in London last night. Stay safe everyone in that area- they won't break our spirits.

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