People Who Create Unnecessary Drama

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Urgh some people are so extra. Like they make the biggest deals out of nothing, like literally nothing. It's like they have nothing better to do in their lives than stir shit.

I think the reason people who purposefully start drama annoy me so much is because I hate drama and find it so pointless. Rather than sulking about stuff and saying things behind people's backs- just talk about it.

It's not a hard or revolutionary idea- JUST TALK IT THROUGH. There are just some people in my life who love to start drama and just won't let stuff go which really pisses me off. I'd like to think that the people surrounding me were mature enough to deal with their problems like adults but no, people go off in sulks and don't fucking tell people why they are annoyed etc.

I suppose I've just had to deal with so much drama in the past that I'm just done with it. Like I cannot stand it at all.

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