The Follow Up To The 'Asking For It' Case

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I started this rant book due to an event that happened in my life which angered me and I needed somewhere to vent. My views on the disgusting term 'asking for it' are still the same; material and buttons don't speak for us, our words do and if they say no they mean no. But that case did bring to light a topic which I haven't really spoken about which is lying about rape.

If you've forgotten what happened, the original reports stated that a girl around my age had been kidnapped and raped on her way to school.

Most people in the city have come to the conclusion that all charges were dropped on this case, due to the fact that the girl was lying. Because no one was actually arrested for it, I think the girl wasn't prosecuted for slander but that doesn't change the fact that she could have potentially got someone's life behind bars for something they didn't do.

This is why people don't take rape claims seriously, this is why people are so skeptical of cases like this meaning the real victims don't get the support they need. What happens when someone whose actually been subject to a crime as heinous as kidnapping and rape? Will the local police even believe people now?

I think lying about rape is one the most destructive things you can do to the justice system because it creates distrust for every single rape case that comes in after. What this girl did is absolutely thoughtless and selfish.

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