I Just Don't Care Anymore

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I've just stopped caring about how I'm perceived by people, and I mean REALLY stopped caring. I wear clothes that I like even though no one else does, I listen to the music I like and I do whatever I want to.

For the longest time I was obsessed with fitting in, being a carbon copy of someone else, and generally following the crowd. Only recently have I begun to accept that I'm slightly weird and I like different things to other people, and that doesn't mean I'm any less of a person than anyone else.

I'm so sick of living in a society where you're judged for everything you wear, for the way you look, and for things you like. No one should feel like they have to suppress themselves to fit in, and I'm finally coming to realise that people like me the way I am, and I don't need to change.

My skin is at its worst right now and I don't care, something that would have been impossible a few years ago. I used to care so much about the way people looked at me, but now I realise that no one really cares.

It's actually quite freeing to not care anymore, something I used to do a lot.

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