Why America Confuses Me

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If you weren't aware of recent events in Florida, a 19 year old boy shot and killed 17 in a school shooting yesterday, and many more were injured. This is like the 18th school shooting this YEAR in America. It's February.

In the light of these recent tragedies, my confusion about gun laws in the US only grows stronger. For me, the idea that an 18 year old can buy a gun from a store is something I cannot imagine. The idea that people can just go out and buy a gun is a crazy one. The only time I've ever seen a gun in real life is after the terror attacks in London when there were special police officers in my city who carried proper machine guns and I was absolutely terrified. Guns shouldn't just be a part of everyday culture. Like that's just fucked up.

The arguments for keeping gun laws are stupid to me. I get that the logistics of having everyone hand in their weapons is going to be hard, but Australia's done it. Why can't the US? Whenever people from countries like the UK which don't allow people to own guns argue why gun laws need to ban just anyone bearing arms, there will be some (notice the word some, I'm not generalising all Americans here) who say stuff like 'it's my right because it's in the Constitution so then it must be okay'. Like the Constitution was written in a time where the idea that a gun could fire multiple shots in seconds without reloading was pure fantasy. It's time for a freaking update. Innocent children are dying every week from events that could have been prevented.

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