The Wattpad Rants: I'm Not Going To Promote Your Story... Stranger

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So recently I've been getting a few messages that go along the lines of 'hey can you promote my story on your account? Thanks!' No conversation- nothing. Of course my immediate response is 'no sorry' because first of all why should I and secondly this person hasn't even bothered to strike up a conversation before asking me.

My issue with this is that I find it rude, other accounts are not there to just promote your work. They probably have their own books to worry about. I mean, if it was someone who I talked to and was friends with, maybe I'd be more inclined to promote their book and help them out because I know them, I've probably read their work and know what I'm promoting to people.

If you're just some random account that I've never spoken to, I have no idea what you're like as a person or what your book/s are like. I don't want to be promoting something that I have no idea about.

So yeah guys I don't like it when people only message me solely about me promoting their book.

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