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I'm gonna start by saying that I love Christmas so much, it's probably my favourite holiday, but there are some things that come with Christmas that I don't like so much. So here's my Christmas rant.

The cold. With December comes the painfully cold winter, and honestly my toes have felt like they were gonna fall off at least two times in the past week. I don't really like having to wear huge coats and gloves all the time, and my ears get massively cold.

The stress of buying presents. I always find buying other people Christmas presents really stressful because I never know what to get them and whenever I ask what they want they give me really vague ideas. It just really stresses me out.

The build up. The build up to Christmas is always way more extreme than the day itself and you get yourself so hyped up for it. Usually Christmas isn't as good as we've all made it out to be.

Knowing that Christmas is not as magical as when you were a kid. I kind of makes me sad that I don't find Christmas as exciting as I did when I was younger, it doesn't mean that I don't enjoy the day but it's definitely not as amazing as I used to think it was.

But hey, Christmas is still pretty epic. And Christmas music is even better.

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