The Wattpad Rants: Romanticising Abuse In Stories

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This has become commonplace in Wattpad and it annoys me so much. So many writers nowadays are romanticising abuse in relationships and it's not right. BDSM- fine. That's perfectly fine as long as it's consensual. But abuse is not fine. It's never consensual. It's never right.

As a community, we need to stop making abuse look romantic. We need to stop abuse being portrayed as 'dominance'. We need our characters to walk away from their abusers rather than forgive them. It's not setting the right message for young girls/boys.

From this title, you may think I'm just talking about male abusers in Wattpad stories but there also needs to stop being so many female abusers who never get any slack for what they do.

And if you're going to write about abuse, then at least call it what it is. Abuse. Whether it's mental or physical abuse doesn't matter. Don't turn it into a little quirk of their relationship. It's not romantic or sexy when someone in a relationship ends up in hospital because of abuse from the other person.

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