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It seems like everyday there is another social media trend going round and keeping up with what's 'hot' can be hard for anyone. One minute heavy makeup is in and the next day everyone is going bare faced, one minute everyone's getting those hoverboard things and the next day everyone's over it.

It's like we're living in a world that's run by big companies wanting to drain us all of our money and souls.


What a crazy thought.

I gave up on social media trends and just what was considered 'hot' in society when I realised that my individuality and what I liked mattered much more than following the crowd. And let me tell you something, stopping caring what other people think of you is one of the most freeing feeling ever.

I really don't have a problem with some internet trends, the ones that aren't doing anything harmful or forcing people to buy stuff that they don't actually need, but I do have a problem with society telling us what we do and don't need in our lives.

Sometimes taking a step back and looking at what you've become is all you need to break yourself out of your consumer cycle. Sometimes you have to see how some people live to see what you really need in life.

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