Feeling Left Out

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I thought I'd come to the point of my life where I wasn't too fussed about being left out of something, and that's something I've talked about on this account a little. I've always said 'it doesn't matter if you miss out on something, it will all be okay'. But recently my friends have really hurt me, and I feel incredibly left out.

Not to go into specifics, but a group of my friends have been hanging out a lot without me despite the fact that I had previously hung out with them. I'm just not being invited to these events and only finding out about them over social media. And that hurts. It's not that I even want to be at these events, but it stings that I'm not being invited.

It feels like everyone is getting so much closer and just forgetting that I'm even here. And it really sucks, and I'm really hurt but I can't say that to them because they'll say I'm overreacting. That I wasn't part of this group originally so I have no place being there anyway.

I've really learnt the true colours of people I thought I knew. So that's fun. But yeah, feeling severely left out.

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