Inspiration And Why It Fades

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I don't know if you ever get those moments of pure and utter inspiration to change your life. For me, it happens on the reg.

Yesterday I watched a documentary about Wim Hof who was working with a group of YouTubers called Yes Theory, and basically his philosophy in life is that we are wells of untapped potential. And after watching it I felt like I could achieve anything in the world. I wanted to just go and achieve everything I've always dreamt of.

But I didn't.

And why?

Because those pockets of inspiration are fleeting and small, soon dampened by the logistics of achieving these big goals and aspirations. I have had so many big grand schemes in my life which I have started and never finished, and I wonder now whether I will ever achieve them.

Writing a full length book for example, I don't know if I'll ever do that. It's my no. 1 goal in life, and readily achievable, but my motivation to go out and do it isn't there.

It got me thinking about how we as humans go about life. It's almost like we're waiting for divine intervention to dictate our futures for us, whether we're religious or not. We look up at celebrities and aspire to have those lives, but what we don't do is go out and try and get those lives. There will be those who are hustling and working towards their dreams, but there are also those of us like me who just accept that dreams should remain dreams.

But that isn't a way to live.

Instead, we need to find ways to store those moments of intense inspiration and use them to push ourselves. Find a goal. Because we all have the power to do something great, it's just about pushing ourselves to get there.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2019 ⏰

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