I Never Thought I Would Be Making This Chapter (BTS related)

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Okay, maybe the title is slightly dramatic, but I thought I would fill you in on a new part of my life which I never saw happening. 

I may be joining the A.R.M.Y. Not like the actual army, jesus imagine me at a front line, but over the past three days BTS has been taking over my life. 

I've watched hours of their interviews, their clips, their memes, and now I've been listening to their music for hours. I'm a bloody namjoon bias, he's actually fucking adorable and his fashion is so cool (and that 2013 hair wowza). I never really saw this for my future if I'm honest, the only group I've ever been a die-hard fan for was One Direction so this is obviously a big step for me but I'm learning. I've got all the names down and their main personality traits, and I'm actually so excited to learn more because they all seem like such lovely guys who do so much. 

The thing is, I made a chapter in my 'Opinions' book about how BTS wasn't really my thing but that was just because of what I had assumed, I had never actually done any actual research or watched any of their stuff. They are all ridiculously talented, I've never seen a Western group have such elaborate choreography and such a diverse group of voices and styles of music. So what I've learnt is not to judge something so quickly if I've not tried it. 

Also how bloody gorgeous are they as well. All actual angels. 

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