The Wattpad Rants: Stop Commenting Stupid Stuff On My Books... Please

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This chapter is directed at some very specific accounts who I won't name.

If you know my account, you'll know that I have quite a few books (nearly twenty- what has my life come to?) and they all attract REALLY ANNOYING PEOPLE. They all swarm and comment their stupid comments which I have no clue how to reply to.

Some annoying people like to make 'jokes' which aren't funny in the slightest bit, sometimes they're just plain rude and other times I have no clue what they are talking about.

It's a shame because I get so many lovely comments but then the comment section gets tainted by some idiot. I have in the past deleted rude or offensive comments but sometimes I miss them.

Urgh, and on the topic of comments- please don't advertise your work on ANYONE'S book. I just delete these comments cause I'm not having it- no one is going to advertise their own book on my book. It's against Wattpad's policy and its against everything the Wattpad community stands for. Just stop. If you've done it in the past, just make sure you don't do it again.

You know, if you don't like a book, just click off it. Don't feel the need to make some rude ass comment. I've had people tell me how to write my own books before, not in a constructive- criticism way but in a 'you have to do this' way.

Some people need to realise how stupid they sound when they comment stuff. Like seriously.

I'm usually a quite calm, relaxed and gentle Wattpader who can hold my tongue when I need to but I have reported people in the past for misconduct.

There was this one person who relentlessly advertised their book on my stories and no matter how many times I told them to stop (which I said in a polite way) they didn't. So I had no choice.

Some people may think I'm being petty, but it's the principle that annoys me. You wouldn't walk into a bookshop and stick your book in front of someone else's.

Rant over... For now.

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