Homophobia (+ hate towards all members of the LGBTQ+ community)

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As someone who kind of (I'm still trying to work out my sexuality) classifies themselves LGBTQ+ community, seeing the discrimination and hate towards the LGBTQ+ makes my blood boil. Even if I wasn't part of this wonderful community, I would still be fuming at the way people are treated for things they can't change.

Love is love. The way you are is the way you are.

The way someone else lives their life has no effect on anyone but themselves and maybe the people around them. So I don't understand why some people (who probably have never met a person who is part of the LGBTQ+ community) feel the need to make cruel, hateful and offensive comments towards this group of people.

It makes me sick to my stomach when I see the way that people are treated for simply being who they are. Loving who they love. Identifying with what they identify with. There's been massacres, bullying, constant hate, death threats, it's illegal in some places, and so many other horrible things towards the LGBTQ+ community and yet there is only a small amount of people who are standing up for this community and speaking out.

There will be arguments from all kinds of people stating why being gay is wrong, why being transgender or gender fluid is wrong. People will quote the bible (even though for the eleven years I was a Christian the main thing I took away was the idea of loving everyone- love thy neighbour and all that), people will claim that it was 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve', people will claim that's it's not natural and that its been brought on by the media.

Everyone should have the right to be who they are without judgement or fear. There is no questioning that.

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