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Monday of the 15th Week of Ordinary Time

Christian Anthony's POV:

I had dreamt a wonderful dream...

At first, there was a light, a light that is so bright that my eyes are too blind to see. And without any warning, somebody grabbed my hand and dragged me forward.

I was taken...into a place...I could call it paradise. I found myself floating above the clouds. Before me are the angels flying above me...singing praises, people wearing various robes...and has halos over their heads. And at the end, I saw four figures appeared to be worshipped...

The first figure is an old man...wearing ordinary robes...his hair and beard are white. He has a carpenter's square on one hand, and a staff with lily blossoms at the other...

The second figure is a glowing young lady....standing atop of a globe...and has a cross behind her. She wears the same white robes the Her Divine Son is wearing throughout His ministry.

The third figure is another old man...wearing the robes of a priest...has a mantle tied at his chest. He holds the book of Gospels in one hand...and a large key at the other.

The fourth figure is in front of the three others. It is a lamb...with a halo over its head. The lamb holds a pole that holds a banner of the Holy Cross. It also have a gaping wound over its side...and blood and water endlessly pours out from it...into a golden chalice.

All angels and saints then face the four figures and worshipped them. Then, one of the angel descended before me, took my hand, and brought me in front of the Lamb. Like the rest of the breathen, I knelt down and worshipped them...

"Arise, My mighty warrior."

Upon the command of a sweet lady voice, I stood up and listened to what heaven will about to say to me...

"My mighty warrior, thank you for helping My servant on Her mission to spread hope and faith according to the plan of God. You have cherished her, loved her, and protected her. You are worthy to be My be My warrior. Therefore, I should give you an eternal will be given another life. You will be mandated to continue the mission of My servant...and your love. You must bring the hope and faith that My servant has started as far as you can...until the ends of the earth."

I I come to realize...that just like His servant...and my love Imee has told me, God really has something more for me. After being dismissed from the police after accidentally killing a innocent little girl, God has given me a take care of His cherished little servant...and help spread the Good News with her...and God is pleased with me.

"Yes, O Lord. I accept this mandate that You are given to me...for it is for the glory of my soul...and the greater glory of this Great Kingdom...let it be done according to Your word."

Accepting the new mission that God has given to me, the three figures the placed their hands at my head...blessing me. And finally, the lamb before growled sweetly at it placed his banner over me. That's when I'm starting to gain consciousness....

The next thing that I knew...I was lying in the hospital bed, with a respirator mask covering my nose and mouth...and there is Imee beside me.

"I..I...Imee?" I slowly uttered her name so she could notice me.

"Huh? A-Anthony?!?!" Her eyes widened and she could hide her joy of seeing me alive. "Thank goodness, you're alive."

"Yes, Imee. Thank you for worrying about me." I smile at her. "You know, I had a great dream...for God has visited me."

"Oh, really? Tell me more about it."

Imee Therese's POV:

"Well...I was introduced to the kingdom of God." Anthony tells me about his dream. There are angels, saints...then I saw Saint Joseph, Saint Peter, then the Blessed Virgin...and finally in front of them, there is this lamb who has a halo, holds a banner and spurting out blood on a chalice. Then a voice has told me...thanking me for protecting you...and He has given me another chance of second life...and given me a spread the hope and faith of the Good News to others."

"Ooh...I see." I smiled after hearing what he had dreamt. "Now, you have given a mandate, mighty warrior of God."

"Hu-huh? Ho-how did you know that I was called a mighty warrior?" Anthony asked me with a smile. "Are you the one who make me dream about this?"

"Hehehe! Of course not, silly." I refuted and giggled. "You're just the one who saved friends...and the people from the saved all of us from harm and danger...that's why you are worthy to be the mighty warrior of God."

Within moments of regaining consciousness, the doctors makes tests on Anthony to asses his condition. They were startled to see that the bullet that was supposed to be removed in a oncoming surgery is now gone....and his wound in the chest has been healed. And it seems that Anthony's blood volume is restored to its normal levels, which means he won't be needing any blood transfusion anytime soon. The only thing that we worry about is....Father Jean.

"Umm...Anthony, could you tell me what happened back when you're in a sacristy?" I asked him for the truth. "Why Father Jean is injured while I didn't see him when the stranger starting taking us hostage?"

"Well...when Joshua, Kyle and I had grappled the hostage taker, we didn't able to take his gun...and so he started shooting in random angles. There, the bullets came reflected by the walls and hit us three...knocking us critically. I was hit in the chest...but before I lost consciousness, I saw Father Jean...still wearing his vestments that he had when he baptized Joshua. He came running towards the hostage taker to grapple him but the hostage taker shoot him in the stomach...but in a supernatural effort, Father Jean steal the gun and shoot the hostage taker many times before he himself collapsed..."

I froze in in both amazement and disbelief...I can't think Father Jean will do such a heroic sacrifice his life for those in need...I wonder why...

"Imee! Imee! Somebody wants to see you!"

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