The Start

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dedicated to DarkRain_ and demysphinx

Ash Wednesday

Imee Therese's POV:

I had another dream...from the darkness of my blind eyes...

I was wondering in a garden, playing just like a kid...patting heads of some random animals, picking up and eating random fruits, and running around in circles.

And I was lying unto the grasses, the sun suddenly emitted a bean of light in front of me. For that beam, an angel of the Lord descends. It's way too different from the angel that stabbed through my heart with his spear five years ago. Instead of having two wings...the angel descending has six...two covers his face, another two covers his feet...and only the remaining two in the middle is used in this case, descending. His wings are glowing in I can feel the heat coming with it. And when it finally steps into the grass, I bowed in in gesture of respect...

"The time has come, servant of the Lord." A voice came out from the six winged angel. "Fulfill your mission just like He had told you. Do this...for the greater glory of God...and for the salvation of mankind."

"Yes. Let it be done...let it be done according to His word..."

Immediately, I was lifted into the skies along with the angel. He took me into the top of a large cloud, where thousands of angels and people with halos is gesturing to praise a mysterious figure standing at the table in front of us. As my vision clears, I saw a lamb...with a cross behind it...its head glows...and blood forms from a gaping wound on its heart.

And as I marveled this glorious sight...I felt a sharp...excruciating pain all over my body. I glance...and saw...that there's gaping wounds on my two hands and well as my side. I didn't scream...I endure the pain that I'm having...but I started to faint. Before I collapsed...

"Lamb of God...who takes away...the sins of the world...spare me...O Lord..."

Christian Anthony's POV:


I was awoken by a series of drips that hit my forehead...and flowed into my mouth...tasted as sweet as wine. I sat up to know where the dripping comes from. And glanced into Imee's bed...and saw that the bedside was somewhat painted with red...but the next thing that I see horrifies me:

Imee's left hand and feet...there are gaping wounds at her left hand and feet. I-If she had this for a long have lost a lot of blood...and tha-that! PLEASE DON'T TELL ME THAT IMEE'S...IMEE'S DEAD!!!

"IMEE!!! IMEE!!! PLEASE...WAKE UP!!!" Out of desperation, I shake her body to wake her up...

"...hnng...A-Anthony? Is that you?" Imee then opened her eyes and smiled at me. "Why did you wake me up? Do you need some help?"

"Hu-huh?!?! What are you talking about?!?!" I don't understand why Imee is still smiling even she has wounds on her hands and feet. "Don't you know that you're losing so much blood because you had a wound on your hands and feet?!?!"

"Oh. I see." Imee realized her situation. "Could you please call Father Jean, Catherine, the nuns and the doctors?"

"Ye-yes. Certainly."

Catherine's POV:

Today's a school I can able to work with Anthony and Imee...ow!!!

I was into the convent when I bumped by running man...making both of us stumbling into the ground.

"Oh! Geez! I'm so sorry!" Anthony quickly stood up and apologized. "Here, let me help you get up."

"Don't worry, I'm okay. Thanks!" I accepted his hand to get myself up and smiled. "But...umm...what's the hurry, Anthony?"

"Geez! I wanted to call Father Jean, the nuns and the doctors right now!" Anthony's tone of voice becomes serious. "Imee's bleeding so bad right now!"

"Waaah!!! What should I do?! What should I do?! Can I help?!"

"Yes...if you want, you can call the doctors in the telephone at the convent." Anthony then gives a paper that contains a telephone number. "Here, this is the number of Imee's doctors."


I quickly ran into the telephone station in the convent and call the doctors.

Imee Therese's POV:

As compared with before, I can't feel any pain at all...not even a sting. every drip of blood coming out of my hand and feet, I can feel myself weakening by the minute...perhaps I already have in my body...the wounds of the Lamb of God...a sign of my mission to Him...


The door flung open...and footsteps came in hurriedly.

"Imee! Are you alright?!" I heard Catherine's voice...asked me worriedly.

"I'm fine. Don't worry."

"Hmm...I don't think so, Irene." Anthony objects. "You're looking so pale because of the blood loss."

"No. Really...I'm fine. I just need"

And before I knew it, I lost consciousness.

"Imee! Imee!!!"

A few hours later...

I regained consciousness a few hours later...just as I tasted something familiar...the sweetness of wine flowing over my mouth...a Viaticum perhaps...

" sweet." I opened my eyes to tell them that I'm awake.

"Imee!" The voices then rang out in reply...then somebody hugged me...presumably, it's Anthony.

"Thank God, you're safe now!" Anthony said in gladness. "I'm so worried about you."

"Hehehe! Thank you." I smiled and giggled on his concern to me. "So...what happened when I passed out?"

"Umm...the doctors arrived then executed an emergency blood transfusion on you." Catherine answers the question. "They said that you had lost too much blood that you nearly died earlier. Good thing they responded so quickly and prevented it..."

"But...the bad news is...your wounds in your hands and feet doesn't heal yet." Anthony complements. "Not to mention that there's also a wound on your side, Imee. That's why the doctors put you patches over your wounds."

"Oh...I see."

"Is this...a case of stigmata?"

"Huh? What do you mean, Father Jean?" I asked the knowledgeable priest

"This're now bore with the wounds of Christ when He was crucified: the wounds on your palms...on your feet...and on your side. This are the five Holy Wounds of Christ."

Everyone of us are astonished...even Father Jean's explanation. My dream this morning was come true after all...and now, I'm now bear the wounds of Christ...the ones that he bores in crucifixion. I'm now one with him in carrying His sacrifices...and true mission is about to began.

"Anthony, Catherine. Please come to me."

"Huh? O-oh, yes. Certainly.

The two walked into my bedside and sat beside my head. There I finally revealed to them...

"Guys, you must help me...for my mission has begun."

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