When Dreams Becomes Dust

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Dedicated to _CrazyCupcakes_

44 years ago...

Christian Anthony's POV:

"Mr. Christian Anthony Gonzales...you are now hereby promoted as Senior Police Officer 3. Congratulations."

Upon calling my name by our Police Director-General, I quickly stood up and approach him to receive the badges that he will be awarding to me. It's just seven years since I begin working with the police force and quickly I rose through the ranks. At the age of 27, I was the youngest SPO3 at that time.

Perhaps because I was already engaging in some of the high-profile operations...like pursuing on-the-run fugitives...neutralizing hostage takers without killing them...serving as a "buyer" of illegal drugs to capture drug pushers and traders...and so many countless others. I followed every protocols and rules and engagement very properly...dedicating my time to serve the people to preserve peace in the community for the past seven years...was given so many awards and incentives for that such as a brand new car, a house to live in and a money that I could build a business when I will be off-duty.

But of course, I'm not being workaholic...I still have time for bonding with my workmates late at night.

One night at a nearby bar, I was dragged by my teammates for some drinking session...

"Hey, guys! Our boss finally joined us!" One of my trusty friends introduced me to the team...and was met with applauses and jeers.

"Sir Gonzales, thank goodness you arrived." The youngest of the group speaks out to me. "I know that you have such a very busy week so I decided to treat you off with something. Besides, it's weekend ahead! Hehehe!"

"Hehehe! Well...if this is okay for my health then...how can I not accept this?"

Then, each of my teammates pulls out everything that they brought for me...wine, vodka, whiskey, rhum and an extra strong beer. The youngest teammate gets a small drinking class then pours some beer...

"Here you go, sir. Why don't you give it a try?" He then offers the glass of beer to me.

"Huh? What are you doing? You know that I don't like alcohols and stuff!" I scolded my friend a bit. "You will get court-martial if you insist!"

"Come on, sir! It doesn't taste so bad." But my friend do insist. "Okay, if you won't like the taste after the first shot, I will not insist any further, sir. I promise."

"Hmph! Make sure of that!"

I finally take the glass of beer and taste it for a bit...it was a bit tangy and sweet but nevertheless...I started to like it.

"Hmm...actually, this is not so bad after all." I commented. "In fact, I like it!"

"Oh! Great! Hehehe!" One of my other teammates reacts. "Let's get this conversation on the road. Shall we, sir?"

And from that moment, I was dragged to this light talk with my teammates over tons of alcohol. I accepted any offer to drink every single kind of alcohol at hand, whether it's a single kind or mixed together...while the conversation goes livelier by the minute...as if our ranks is set aside for this once in a month opportunity to get along with each other and form brotherhood with my teammates. But I didn't notice...that by the time we return to our quarters...I was simply drunk.

"Hey, sir. Let's go home."

"Huh...what are you...hic...talking about? I want...hic...I want another shot!"

But my friend hesitated me to stand up from the table and walk home with me. And because I was overcome with drunkenness...I didn't able to control myself to piss off with no good and senseful reason at all.

"Hey! I told you that...hic...I want another shot of...hic...vodka!" I scolded my friend once more.

"But sir, you're drunk. Not to mention that it's already past midnight!"

"Nah ah ah!!! I'm the...hic...the captain of my ship...hic...so when I say another...hic...shot, I say another shot!" I pulled out my service firearm and started to point at my friend out of my drunkenness. "Unless, you're the one who will gonna...hic...have that another shot!"

My friend grab my arm and tried to put it back to my side...but I grappled with him until...

"BANG!!!" I accidentally pulled the trigger. Good thing that nothing seems to be hurt by the single gunfire.

"Alright! You shouldn't use your service firearm, sir...especially if you're having this condition." Finally, my friend was able to take my gun and take it back to my side. "Come on. I'll guide you to your quarters, sir."

With no other choice at hand, I finally gave in to my friend's request to calm down and go back to my quarters in the police camp to have some deserving rest...

In the next day, I was woken up by a text message...it was from the Police Director-General saying that I should report to him immediately. Quickly, I eat my breakfast, take a bath and dress myself into my usual police uniform. Perhaps, I'm gonna be assigned into another exciting mission...where I will be able to solve crimes, arrest suspects and maintain the peace in the community.

But when I entered the Police Director-General's office...I felt a very strange mood...as if something bad has happened here. His emotions are too serious to describe...as he shook his head into his hands.

"Umm...sir, why have you called me here?" Finally, I asked my superior.

"SPO3 Gonzales, you are now dismissed from your service effective immediately."

"WHA-WHAAAT?!?!" I was startled by his sudden announcement. "Sir! I don't understand! I didn't do anything wrong! Why do you need to dismiss me early at the wrong time?!?!"

"Well, you've shot and killed an innocent bystander little girl last night." The director-general explains.

"Huh? What are you talking about? I don't have a taste of killing innocents?" I refuted back to my superior. "Okay...I'll tell you the truth, I used my gun because I'm out of control but...I will never ever do such a thing!"

However, the Police Director-General redirected me to his computer to learn what he is talking about right now, it is a CCTV footage from outside of the bar last night. I saw myself firing a gun into the sky...and then...as a little girl passes by thereafter...she was hit...before falling into a cliff! I just fired a stray bullet...and hit the girl! I just killed the girl! I just killed the girl!!!

"Oh...I see, sir." I lowered my head and my voice in regret of what I've done. "I didn't know that I've killed somebody because of my insanity. I accept your decision and face the consequences of my actions."

"Noted, SPO3 Gonzales. Don't worry, though. I will not leave you alone without a fight." The Director-General told me. "I will provide you an attorney to become your lawyer in the trial. You have been charged with homicide."

"Yes, sir."


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