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Fifth Sunday Of Easter

Christian Anthony's POV:

"No...please don't do this...please don't! No! No! AAAAAH!!!!!"

"AAAAH!!! IMEE!!!" I was abruptly awakened by another bloodcurdling scream and quickly called Imee whether she's still alive...as if it was Good Friday again. "IMEE, ARE YOU ALRIGHT?! PLEASE...ANSWER ME!!!"

"Ooh...good morning, Anthony." Imee quickly replies...with a faint smile. "Sorry for waking you up...it's just...I've have a bad dream..."

"Well, you can tell that to me so you will feel better." I stood from my mattress and sit at her bedside.

"Is just...I was surrounded by so many bad people...they keep on calling 'Woes! Woes! Woes!' at me...their chant so loud that it was very deafening...I can't take it...I covered my ears hardly and sit down to ignore them...but then...a grim reaper with a scythe suddenly appeared in front of me...and as he swings the scythe to cut my head...I screamed...I thought I'm gonna to die horribly...but I waked up..."

As she explains her bad dream, I noticed that tears is falling from Imee's blind eyes. I felt sad for her...I've never saw Imee so sad ever since she suffered insults on one of her cathecisms a few months ago...but this time she's broke to tears because of a nightmare...

"Don't worry, Imee. I'm here for you." I hold her cold but soft hands to calm her down. "Remember that you are the Servant of God...God will never let your nightmare to happen to you...perhaps praying a rosary will help you cheer up.."

Imee turns to me...and smiles brightly...

"Thank you...thank you so much, my love."

Imee Therese's POV:

Though I was comforted by my love, Anthony, I'm still felt uneasiness inside me. As if my nightmare will do happen...perhaps not to me...but to somebody else...

"Umm...Imee, are you alright?" My friend Catherine, who is passing by my room today, noticed that I'm a bit down and asked me.

"Oh! Ehehehe...I'm fine." I giggled and smiled at her. "I'm just feel that this room is a bit lonely right now."

"Hmm...is that because your Anthony's not here, right? Ayeeee!!!" My face blushed when Catherine flirts about him. "Don't worry though, he's only doing chores for Father Jean in the church. He will return back shortly..."

And the door flung open, and Anthony did return to my room...but...

"Catherine...Imee...there's some dreadful news for you." Anthony's tone of voices becomes serious. "Father Jean tells me that there is an epidemic of a dangerous disease in downtown...hospitals are full with patients...people have been dying along the streets..."

The dread have been in my dream last night...has just come true. Woes are starting to fill the city...challenging the faith that was strengthened by the transformed Eucharist. Lord...is this the time for me to defend your children...from the woes that is given to them?

"Guys, I need to help them." I tell them. "These people shouldn't suffer much from sins that they didn't commit."

"But Imee, it's dangerous!" Anthony warned me. "I know that you care about the people but...this case is very different! That disease is so powerful in airborne that if you breathe the air the carries the virus, it will make your heart stop from beating in just minutes!"

"If this is my fate, so be it." I smiled with confidence. "But I won't let my people leave the church of our loving Father!"

Christian Anthony's POV:

Leaving with no choice, Catherine and I decided to head out with Imee into the the nearest hospital in downtown...where it is full of patients contracted with the dangerous disease that I was talking about. With only limited medical aid at hand...most of them are already waiting for death to come upon them...

"Hello, Ms. Villaflor. We've been waiting for you." The chief doctor of the hospital greets her. "I was hoping that you can make a miracle on this grave situation. I mean our medicine supplies are already diminishing because of so many patients flocking here because of the disease. Twenty people are already dead within the last couple of hours...you got to help us...there's nothing we could run to but you..."

Imee simply smiled at the doctor...as he led the way into a huge hospital ward...where some of the patients are lying in their beds...waiting for their fates.

"Anthony...whatever happens to me...please, don't pull my wheelchair out of this place." Imee instructed me. "Don't worry, God will take care of me...just believe in Him."

The doctor give Catherine and I some face masks...but not Imee...my heart's palpitating as she closes her eyes and utters a silent prayer...in the midst of the dangers that will happen to her...

In a split second, Imee begins to convulsed...her entire body shakes violently...and foams begin to flow out of her mouth...the symptoms of the dangerous disease. But as I helplessly watches how the virus deteriorating Imee, I noticed that one-by-one, patients begins to wake up...and sat up into their beds, as if there's nothing happened...as if they didn't contracted with deadly disease...

But as for Imee...

She had stopped from convulsing...but...her back is leaned on the wheelchair...her eyes are closed...and her heart doesn't beat anymore...she stopped breathing...she...died...

"NOOO!!! IMEE!!!! HUHUHUHU!!!!" I knelt down in front of her and sob. "WHY?!?! WHY?!?! WHY DOES THIS KEEPS HAPPENING?!?! I'M NOT READY...sniff...I'M NOT READY TO LOSE YOU! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME! PLEASE...sniff...don't leave me alone, Imee...HUHUHUHU!!!!"

I cried over her lap...and mourn. Imee sacrificed her life...just to save the people that she cares so much...she prayed until her final breath...to cure them all...from the dangerous disease...that she chose to suffer. And now...she's in good hands...resting in peace...while I...sniff...sniff...huh?

"Lalalala..." I heard a little lullaby as I cry at Imee's cold lap. I looked up...and saw her...alive...smiling and giggling at me...


Catherine and I hugged her tightly, grateful that her death was only a bad dream for us...

"Imee! Thank God you're still alive!" I shed tears of joy on her. "I really thought that you will be gone for good!"

"Ehehehe...of course, my love. Don't you remember, I'm in God's safe hands so you shouldn't be worry-whoa!"

But that makes me tighten my hug on her...for she is so precious to me...and I won't not let fate to take her away from me.

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