Wonder Worker

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Monday of the Fifth Week of Easter

Evangeline's POV:

"And here are the petitions that our faithful has been writing in our masses for the past few days."

Father Jean has just given us some packages containing the prayer petitions that has been given to the church ushers.

"If you want to help me, we should begin with praying for them." Imee advises us. "You should sacrifice your time...and spend it to become and intercessor for them."

Anthony passes the papers containing the prayers to each one of us, according to its importance: Imee and Anthony takes in charge of what they call "life-crucial" prayers: petitions of healing, conversion of sinners; Catherine and Joshua will be on every regular petitions that the faithful has; while me...I'm with the repose of the souls...which actually make me some creeps...

"So-souls?!?! Yo-you mean gho-ghost?!?! EEEEEK!!!!" I shrieked that makes my friends startle. "I hate ghost! I hate ghost! Whaaa!!! What if these people will haunt me one of these days?!?!"

"Pffft...hehehe!!! Wha-what are you talking about?! We just liberated the ghost that lurking in your house, remember?" Imee giggles and replied to me. "Of course, they will not haunt you. Perhaps...they will be happy for you that you helped them reach the paradise, don't you worry all about it."

"Oh! Ehehehe...sorry for the outburst."  I smiled after Imee assured me. "Well then, let's start helping Imee pray for the people who needs God the most!"

We placed a carpet right at Imee's bedside, where we kneel and pray. Anthony took out some rosaries from the cabinet and gave it to each one of us.

Today's Monday...and we would be praying the Joyful Mysteries. Actually, this is the first time that I've ever been pray with the Holy Rosary...or even any form of prayer. I mean...I didn't pray much to God in my early years of my life...until Imee's prayer saved me from death.

As I feel the beads that forms this simple but wonderful piece of jewelry, I began to feel that the Lord is keeping me away from the problems of the material world, setting aside the troubles that has been engraved in my heart...and then taking me into a garden full of flowers...where I could calm my senses and rest for awhile.

Rosary takes at least fifteen minutes to finish it...but it still worth it...I can feel that the prayers of the faithful is starting to be answered through our intercession.

"Oh, Imee! Can I ask something from you?"

"Oh! Sure! What can I do for you, Catherine?"

"Umm...I heard from one of my classmates earlier this morning about 'blessings in disguise'. Can you tell something about it?"

"Hmm...it seems fitting to what we are doing today, huh? Hehehe!" Imee giggles and replies. "Well then, when you say about 'blessings in disguise', it simply blessings that you didn't expect everyday. I mean, blessings are always surprises from God...but those are special...'blessings in disguise' comes in the worst situations. For those who could encounter it, it may seems as bad luck...doesn't seem to go according to their plans...but the consequence thereafter will be turned out to be a miracle."

"Ooh, I see." Catherine seems to be more curious. "Is this praying for the faithful a blessing in disguise for them, too?"

"Well...I can say it could be, in a way." Imee explains. "If you see this activity as new to you and you can't adapt so easily, don't worry...every prayer that you intercede with God will return with blessings a thousandfold."

The conversation goes on and on for a hour before we start praying rosary again. Afterwards, Catherine and Joshua leaves the room to go home, it's already late at night. But Imee calls me to stay along with Anthony...I wonder what they will tell me...

"Oh! Hey, Imee. Why did you let me stay here for a moment?" I smilingly asked my friend in her bed, perfectly dressed from neck to toe.

"Well...actually, it's nothing. Hehehe!" Imee replies and giggles. "It's just that I can sense from you that you are so happy ever since we prayed the rosary earlier today."

"That's true, Imee. I've never been so happy for so long, Lord has definitely beginning to change my life right now. I feel that He is giving me a purpose in life by helping you and our friends with giving hope and faith with the faithful...I know now where I belong."

"Glad to hear that, Catherine." Imee smiled at me. "A wonder worker always shares the blessings, that she has from God, to others so that they could also feel the love and presence of God in our lives. It's like a mutiplier effect."

"Hmm? I wonder how we will know if the prayers that we interced will be heard?"

"Well...there's always a note at the church pews where they could write their thanksgiving for making their prayers answered." Anthony answers the question for Imee. "Don't be hesitant. Just wait for Sunday masses and see if it works..."

Sixth Sunday of Easter

Imee Therese's POV:

"Go forth, the Mass is ended. Alleluia, Alleluia."

"Thanks be to God, Alleluia, Alleluia."

Another Sunday mass has been ended, and my friends are eager to open the box containing the thanksgivings from the faithful which prayers have been answered.

"Oooh! I'm so nervous right now! What if received no response from those we have prayed for?" Evangeline feels uneasy about today.

"Hehehe! Don't sweat it, sis." I smiled to ease her worries. "If there's nothing in the box, perhaps God will make it in a longer and more convenient time...we just need to pray over them again. Hehehe!"

Anthony goes forth to the altar to get that box...as he has literally the key to open it. Within moments....


The reaction went ecstatic...perhaps the content of the box is full of thanksgiving messages...

"Look, guys! There are lots of them! Look...." Anthony then reads the contents of some of the letters...

"Thank you Lord that my son is cured from dengue!"

"I passed! I passed! I passed the bar exams thanks to you, O Lord! I promise that I will go to masses on Sundays more often!"

"You helped me in one of my critical parts of my life...you lifted me up from depression...and started a new life again. Glory to you, Lord...forever and ever!"

As Anthony continues to tell the contents of the letters, I smiled brightly...as if the angels of God...and the Good Lord Himself...is smiling at us, too. We just make the world a nice place, at least.

"Oh! Hey, guys! There's a cathecism session today with the kids. Wanna join me?"

Inviting them to my usual cathecism, my friends chuckles and answered with a smile.

"Our pleasure, our little angel Imee! Hehehe!"

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